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Never become an Incel

You would have to be severely dumb to do that to yourself though unless you’re super determined on avoiding girls to the point where you want them to not go anywhere near you.
wtf man, nooo. You will look much much more bettef, just trust me i am professional
Once you become or act like incel its over you will be the most hated creature in this world

never lose hope like incels keep looksmaxing like crazy

Never hate on woman publicly
Act like a progressive dont be based or right wing its seen as a loser incel thing and pushes woman away
lie about your lay count
Go to whores if you have enough money and dominate them slap them around

Be positive and allways think at how to improve your temple( body) and life,never get stuck in the incel mindset and lifestyle, because ultimately that's what you need to do in order to fuck women
lmao at being progressive apart from that good post bro