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New here


New member
Nov 25, 2022
Hello, I am new here. Even though I had joined this forum some months ago I finally have the courage to post something.

I want to improve myself (looks and mindset). I am a 17 year old boy. I had started working on my looks long ago by losing bodyfat which resulted in a huge glowup but I am still above average (fucked genetics) I am skinny and underweight around 50 kgs. 5'8 and brown from middle east. My looks are not too appealing to people since almost everyone who meets me says I look like a trans or a ugly gay. I would like to maxx my looks and learn more about myself, improving myself. I look forward to improve if I can and get some great advices.

Thank you.
Hello, I am new here. Even though I had joined this forum some months ago I finally have the courage to post something.

I want to improve myself (looks and mindset). I am a 17 year old boy. I had started working on my looks long ago by losing bodyfat which resulted in a huge glowup but I am still above average (fucked genetics) I am skinny and underweight around 50 kgs. 5'8 and brown from middle east. My looks are not too appealing to people since almost everyone who meets me says I look like a trans or a ugly gay. I would like to maxx my looks and learn more about myself, improving myself. I look forward to improve if I can and get some great advices.

Thank you.
welcome @Ciel good to have you here

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