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JFL New pic just dropped

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  • #4

Input from the XX chromosome human being?
train your neck

canthoplasty, orbital decompression, get hazel or light brown contacts
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  • #7
train your neck

canthoplasty, orbital decompression, get hazel or light brown contacts
I need these and implants

But no money + don't really care too much for now
I need these and implants

But no money + don't really care too much for now
you are missing out on your prime, if you grind for a few years and get the surgeries it might not be too late
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  • #12
isn’t the average salary in some of those countries like 200-300 USD
Depends on where you live

4k USD a month for me but I am 17 I don't work

My dad earns the money
buddy takes a selfie and says new photo dropped like we dont have about 30 of these

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