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Pfp"Explains it all"
Jun 17, 2024
Wth is guild I mog guilt whatever the it is
Is jaw law or is facial harmony more important
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I might not be cooked (I'm just assuming I have no facial harmony idk)
he is carried by his jaw , high mtn tbh
Which is why I said jaw is law. A good jaw will always give you bare min looks. Like it's hard to dispute this unless you pull strawman and extreme examples. Unless you care about the avg. Extreme ends of examples don't exactly count because people like to only recognize only the ends of spectrum but not the norm. Jaw is pretty much law for the normal avg person. Good jaw. Good stand out looks even if everything else is not great.

Chico has harmony but Jordan has aura and will be recognized first in a room or if he simple exists. So if you don't care about striking looks. Harmony is important but it's not all you need to be successful with women. As Me for an example I am.told my harmony is not good yet women IRl have said i have a good looking face and it's nice to look at. I assume that harmony is just easier on the eyes but doesn't premote a sense of attraction that striking can irl. People rate more based on single frames of a Pic and not over all IRL attraction which is why it's called brain rot blackpill.
“Harmony” doesn’t exist, it’s all about individual features, ratios, and bone structure. If you’re ugly, it’s because you’re missing a ratio or feature/one of your or features are messed up, not because of this “harmony” thing.
Which is why I said jaw is law. A good jaw will always give you bare min looks. Like it's hard to dispute this unless you pull strawman and extreme examples. Unless you care about the avg. Extreme ends of examples don't exactly count because people like to only recognize only the ends of spectrum but not the norm. Jaw is pretty much law for the normal avg person. Good jaw. Good stand out looks even if everything else is not great.

Chico has harmony but Jordan has aura and will be recognized first in a room or if he simple exists. So if you don't care about striking looks. Harmony is important but it's not all you need to be successful with women. As Me for an example I am.told my harmony is not good yet women IRl have said i have a good looking face and it's nice to look at. I assume that harmony is just easier on the eyes but doesn't premote a sense of attraction that striking can irl. People rate more based on single frames of a Pic and not over all IRL attraction which is why it's called brain rot blackpill.
Rami malek will not be recognized ever

Jordan is a biased example

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