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Nigs who outlaw kicking in fights are gay

I always try to use my legs to keep the distance in fighting since I'm skinny cel and a good kick to the stomach or chest sends them back but they whine no fair as if there's rules to a fight elementary school shit
There's no rules to a street fight whatsoever. I'll kick, bite, smash testicles and gouge eyes out of need be. I'll also beat the shit out of a woman who hits me thinking she can get away with it.
I always carry a knife with me cuz my opps are at every corner imaginable
Same with people who outlaw guns
I always carry 7 shots of 357 Magnum when leaving the house. Would rather have a pistol instead of a revolver but the trigger pull with my glocks is too light for the type of holster I use. Too dangerous for picking up a kid. Wouldn't want a piece of debris getting in there and causing it to misfire in that situation.
I always carry 7 shots of 357 Magnum when leaving the house. Would rather have a pistol instead of a revolver but the trigger pull with my glocks is too light for the type of holster I use. Too dangerous for picking up a kid. Wouldn't want a piece of debris getting in there and causing it to misfire in that situation.
tough guy over here
cant be bothered to be prepared about it everytime i go out
Well if you do get into a fight when you go out make sure you beat girls up if they hit you during the whole ordeal. You know, the random mouthy ones. I beat a dude's girlfriend up one time a couple years back in a parking lot after she goaded him into stepping out of his vehicle to square up with me. Punched her right in the mouth when she swung at me as her boyfriend and I were standing toe to toe. She didn't like it one bit.
Well if you do get into a fight when you go out make sure you beat girls up if they hit you during the whole ordeal. You know, the random mouthy ones. I beat a dude's girlfriend up one time a couple years back in a parking lot after she goaded him into stepping out of his vehicle to square up with me. Punched her right in the mouth when she swung at me as her boyfriend and I were standing toe to toe. She didn't like it one bit.
dont get into fights then
dont get into fights then
No, I liked beating that girl up and then her boyfriend afterward. I suffered a broken rib when a random man tackled me off him from out of nowhere, but it was worth it. You should have seen the girl's face. She didn't think I'd hit her back.
Incel rage innit
No, the bitch didn't like the way I was scolding my wife so I told her "fuck you" when she tried to run her mouth at me and interfere. When she kept running her mouth I just looked at her boyfriend, because I'm not gonna argue with a woman. He then said that if he got out of his vehicle then I was "done", so with that I threw my glasses and coat into my vehicle and went over to his door. He got out and we were squaring up when the bitch punched me in the face.

Anyways, there was no rage on my end. I had fun.