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JFL Normies have no idea how to measure attractiveness


Aug 2, 2024
I know that this is already very well established, yet it always blows my mind just how much normies tend to inflate objective attractiveness. Not too long ago me and a group of my friends were at one of their houses, and just for a laugh we thew on the show Dated & Related. and as soon as a female is shown on screen, its as if the epitome of beauty is being presented in front of their very eyes. They all unanimously agreed that this girl is "at least an 8.5 out of 10 bro", and when I share my opinion that I believe she is quite average looking, I'm called weird and gay. Mind you, this is who I'm talking about.


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all girls need are a decent midface ratio and no extreme failos to be considered attractive tbh
even girls with extreme falios can still be considered pretty (ie: sydney sweeney and her awful eye area)
over for the male species once women find a way to make babies with their own bone marrow
its already possible and done with female sheep and other female animals many years ago

its just unethical thus no scientists allow it with humans
It's so easy for them it's not fair man aaaaaaaa
obviously im not a guy, but i feel like up until recently and still recently women are much more criticized for their looks then men

if a man is ugly he can still have value according to society but if a woman is ugly she has none

maybe in terms of getting a partner women are more ‘picky’ but idk i’ve met some pretty picky guys
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obviously im not a guy, but i feel like up until recently and still recently women are much more criticized for their looks then men

if a man is ugly he can still have value according to society but if a woman is ugly she has none

maybe in terms of getting a partner women are more ‘picky’ but idk i’ve met some pretty picky guys
Women have value for merely existing.

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