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Ntness isn’t important

@RAJ GHRANDHICK its true bro, this one dude at my school used to want to fight anyone for doing anything and girls found it attractive

Schizo and autism is darktriad bro
that was retardation and low iq + low inhibition

not schizophrenia and autism
I’ve seen schizo autist blacks slay everyday

It’s all about looks and confidence
Being NT is super important, there are so many ugly people that I know in real life that don’t rot on these types of forums because they are super NT.
@RAJ GHRANDHICK its true bro, this one dude at my school used to want to fight anyone for doing anything and girls found it attractive

Schizo and autism is darktriad bro
biggest bullshit I’ve heard in my life
I think theres a threshold where it doesnt matter and when it does, MTN-HTN it fairly matter especially for MTN, CL maybe not as much as chad where chad can do anything. Sub5 you need to be NT to even be considered human and so you're not constantly picked on and Truecels you cant do anything.
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