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Objectively speaking

How much do they spend on you for your birthday?

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Another Day, Another Opportunity
Established Member
Jun 14, 2024
How much money do your parents/friends/siblings/aquantainces spend on you for your birthday? It could be just money gifted, cake, food, birthday designs, video games, cards, etc. And please, don’t be a pick me and say “oh my god no one likes me they only buy me a shirt and that’s it ☹️” I said objectively speaking and that’s all I wanna know. As for oldcels, just go based off when you were younger (below 21).
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  • #4
1) I don't have friends

2) My parents don't celebrate my birthday, only my brother's
Do you think friends actually matter? Like let’s be real, most friends just use you as therapists or punching bags to brag to. It’s so weird seeing normies conversate, 99% of the time it’s them 1 upping each other and bragging about some b***h viewing their instagram story.
Do you think friends actually matter?
Good friends yes but they are hard to come by at least where I live
It’s so weird seeing normies conversate, 99% of the time it’s them 1 upping each other and bragging about some b***h viewing their instagram story.
Exactly, I am so done with them.

I already cut ties with people from HS and deleted my Instagram. They know I am lonely and have social and mental issues, yet every time they want to ever talk to me they say something like :

"Rate this girls insta, She likes me"

"You need to spend more money on nice clothes bro"

"Why are you trying to act cool?" If I ever ignore them or deny going out for whatever degen stuff they wanna do.
I would be open to having more friends but from what I can tell all they do is backstab each other and put each other down

I wish there were more good people in my area, until then I'd rather die alone or kill myself.
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  • #8
I would be open to having more friends but from what I can tell all they do is backstab each other and put each other down
This is so real. I have a friend who’s brain washed by social media, he always used to call me subhuman and LTN (he’s semi blackpilled) and I sent him a pic of my face, whcih is looking better because of leanmaxxing, and now all of a sudden he’s asking how to get a better jawline. All they do is bring you down so they can feel better about themselves, they’re all PUSSIES and instead of working on themselves, they gain confidence and happiness by shit talking other people. Never befriend someone who’s a social media addict and/or tries to fit in with other people, chances are if they don’t fit those criteria they’re “nerdy incels” but TRUST ME BRO, I WOULD MUCH RATHER BE FRIENDS WITH A “NERDY INCEL” THAN A WANNABE INSATGRAM MODEL.
n he’s asking how to get a better jawline. All they do is bring you down so they can feel better about themselves, they’re all PUSSIES and instead of working on themselves, they gain confidence and happiness by shit talking other people.
Realest shit and has happened to me
/or tries to fit in with other people
Too bad this type of trope is EXTREMELY common
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  • #10
Realest shit and has happened to me

Too bad this type of trope is EXTREMELY common
It’s not just common, it happens to be like 95% of people. You should’ve seen how last year in the United States was, 99% of teenagers were getting low taper fades and perms to try and fit in with everyone else. Like, genuienly everyone was a mushroom. It’s sad how many people base their lives on someone else, never do something in spite of someone else because no matter how good you are, eventually they’ll hate you, so why bother?
99% of teenagers were getting low taper fades and perms to try and fit in with everyone else.
JFL this has happened way too many times now
eventually they’ll hate you, so why bother?
The earlier I accept that I will just have to be different the easier.

Acceptance is the hardest part, which is what I struggle with.

No matter how self-aware I am, I am still controlled by my neurotransmitters/hormones. I still feel sad and like shit if normies make fun of me or subconsciously isolate me. Even If I do have zero respect for them.

My first year in University started months ago. Worst time of my life. Skipped most classes and just stayed in my room due to stress, falling sick from ED and deteriorating mental health. I talked to the counselor about my mental health or whatevER and they didn't care and threaten to bar me from the final exams.

@pookiebear since you are medical student you will understand, how hard it is if you lose step or tempo in a module or class or whatever it's called. There is way too much info and memorization needed. I failed organic chemsitry and my god is it so f*****g hard to pick up when you are behind in it.

Disregarding this forum, no one IRL seems to care about me.

Which is why I made this thread :

If you have a good background socially or have a good circle or looks or whatevER, you just will not understand it. You see the worst in people when you are genuinely at the bottom of the barrel. Most people can act nice but they don't act nice to me because I am a talentless, loner loser. I've seen the worse in people.

I will see what degree I could go for next year, start earning and completely cut ties with everyone I know and start a new. Like I said, I've already started deleting my social medias etc.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #12
JFL this has happened way too many times now

The earlier I accept that I will just have to be different the easier.

Acceptance is the hardest part, which is what I struggle with.

No matter how self-aware I am, I am still controlled by my neurotransmitters/hormones. I still feel sad and like shit if normies make fun of me or subconsciously isolate me. Even If I do have zero respect for them.

My first year in University started months ago. Worst time of my life. Skipped most classes and just stayed in my room due to stress, falling sick from ED and deteriorating mental health. I talked to the counselor about my mental health or whatevER and they didn't care and threaten to bar me from the final exams.

@pookiebear since you are medical student you will understand, how hard it is if you lose step or tempo in a module or class or whatever it's called. There is way too much info and memorization needed. I failed organic chemsitry and my god is it so f*****g hard to pick up when you are behind in it.

Disregarding this forum, no one IRL seems to care about me.

Which is why I made this thread :

If you have a good background socially or have a good circle or looks or whatevER, you just will not understand it. You see the worst in people when you are genuinely at the bottom of the barrel. Most people can act nice but they don't act nice to me because I am a talentless, loner loser. I've seen the worse in people.

I will see what degree I could go for next year, start earning and completely cut ties with everyone I know and start a new. Like I said, I've already started deleting my social medias etc.
I agree man, every human being is born selfish. Sorry you had to go through all that brother, I hope you’re able to build off of it and get revenge on all of them by eventually conpletley life mogging them. You probably do already in honestly.
JFL this has happened way too many times now

The earlier I accept that I will just have to be different the easier.

Acceptance is the hardest part, which is what I struggle with.

No matter how self-aware I am, I am still controlled by my neurotransmitters/hormones. I still feel sad and like shit if normies make fun of me or subconsciously isolate me. Even If I do have zero respect for them.

My first year in University started months ago. Worst time of my life. Skipped most classes and just stayed in my room due to stress, falling sick from ED and deteriorating mental health. I talked to the counselor about my mental health or whatevER and they didn't care and threaten to bar me from the final exams.

@pookiebear since you are medical student you will understand, how hard it is if you lose step or tempo in a module or class or whatever it's called. There is way too much info and memorization needed. I failed organic chemsitry and my god is it so f*****g hard to pick up when you are behind in it.

Disregarding this forum, no one IRL seems to care about me.

Which is why I made this thread :

If you have a good background socially or have a good circle or looks or whatevER, you just will not understand it. You see the worst in people when you are genuinely at the bottom of the barrel. Most people can act nice but they don't act nice to me because I am a talentless, loner loser. I've seen the worse in people.

I will see what degree I could go for next year, start earning and completely cut ties with everyone I know and start a new. Like I said, I've already started deleting my social medias etc.
wtf they threatened to bar you from the finals??
this is why forcing your children to study something YOU want for them is absolutely stupid.
also orgo is brutal, if youre taking it again watch the organic chemistry tutor on youtube, he breaks things down so well and explains it so simply

"If you have a good background socially or have a good circle or looks or whatevER, you just will not understand it. You see the worst in people when you are genuinely at the bottom of the barrel. Most people can act nice but they don't act nice to me because I am a talentless, loner loser. I've seen the worse in people."
ive never considered that, sorry you have to go thru that.
but also ive seen people who look like you, not ugly at all, and have great social lives. i think a huge component is how you carry yourself. when you meet new people next year, try being more outgoing. then you won't be seen as a loser or a loner anymore. in middle school i had no friends and it was hard for me, i had to push myself out of my comfort zone, and it was uncomfortable but thats how i learned to be able to have long conversations with people and make good friends. even if it doesnt feel like you, since you dont like your social life and how youre perceived, you will have to leave your comfort zone. it will be worth it in the end tho. friends and social interaction are an actual human psychological need. its much better to have friends in person. try to not be ashamed of your interests or anything, ive noticed then people will react better. for example, im upfront on here about being a muslim/hijabi, and im not ashamed of it, and no one has really said anything judgemental towards me about it. but if i acted weird about it, then others would have reacted much differently. if you act like there is nothing wrong with what you do, others will act the same. and please, get a book when youre outside and at least pretend to read it, dont stare around the place, thats what gives people weird vibes about you. or look at your phone, even if youre not using it. you could even take that time to journal, since you said you dont like using your phone.
i think a huge component is how you carry yourself. when you meet new people next year, try being more outgoing. then you won't be seen as a loser or a loner anymore. in middle school i had no friends and it was hard for me, i had to push myself out of my comfort zone, and it was uncomfortable but thats how i learned to be able to have long conversations with people and make good friends. even if it doesnt feel like you, since you dont like your social life and how youre perceived, you will have to leave your comfort zone.
Yep this is my biggest factor tbh
, and no one has really said anything judgemental towards me about it. but if i acted weird about it, then others would have reacted much differently. if you act like there is nothing wrong with what you do, others will act the same. and please, get a book when youre outside and at least pretend to read it, dont stare around the place, thats what gives people weird vibes about you. or look at your phone, even if youre not using it. you could even take that time to journal, since you said you dont like using your phone.
Good idea tbh, I love writing

Do you think friends actually matter? Like let’s be real, most friends just use you as therapists or punching bags to brag to. It’s so weird seeing normies conversate, 99% of the time it’s them 1 upping each other and bragging about some b***h viewing their instagram story.
I've had this happen to me, those weren't your friends.
I ask them not to spend anything, but some still do
+1000 humble aura
This is so real. I have a friend who’s brain washed by social media, he always used to call me subhuman and LTN (he’s semi blackpilled) and I sent him a pic of my face, whcih is looking better because of leanmaxxing, and now all of a sudden he’s asking how to get a better jawline. All they do is bring you down so they can feel better about themselves, they’re all PUSSIES and instead of working on themselves, they gain confidence and happiness by shit talking other people. Never befriend someone who’s a social media addict and/or tries to fit in with other people, chances are if they don’t fit those criteria they’re “nerdy incels” but TRUST ME BRO, I WOULD MUCH RATHER BE FRIENDS WITH A “NERDY INCEL” THAN A WANNABE INSATGRAM MODEL.
Lookism is real, I was treated like shit before I ascended. I think with age you will care less about superficial people. Some people simply don't mature or grow, and you just have to ignore them. It's pointless to waste your energy on them. Just keep moving, and you will find good friends along your self-improvement journey. EVERYTHING is mental. Stop bottlenecking yourself, be thoughtful, and try growing as a person. I know this sounds like some bluepill bullshit, but I've made so much progress by fixing my mental first. This is obviously subjective to my experience, but I think it's universal that the key is to start with your mindset.

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