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obo or rhino?


New member
Jun 22, 2024
When i turn 17 which is in 2 years i plan on getting either obo- orbital box osteotomy or rhinoplasty i just wanted to make this post to see which one u guys think would be better for me


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people have been telling me i need it because my eyes are far apart and not ideal
in one of your threads you asked if there was a solution to wideset eyes, i said obo
doesnt mean you need one friend
and ive never said you had wide set eyes that are a major problem
When i turn 17 which is in 2 years i plan on getting either obo- orbital box osteotomy or rhinoplasty i just wanted to make this post to see which one u guys think would be better for me
Your orbits look fine, prioritise the rhino. Your nose can really make or break your face
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  • #10
in one of your threads you asked if there was a solution to wideset eyes, i said obo
doesnt mean you need one friend
and ive never said you had wide set eyes that are a major problem
yes i remember that thread its just a lot more people in different places have been bringing up my nose and how bad my esr is so i was thinking of obo aswell
i will thank you for answering which one would be better
I honestly don’t think you should be getting surgery so soon, you’re 15 and mid mtn. Soft max fully first and let yourself grow into your features. How tall are you and what’s ur bf%
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  • #13
I honestly don’t think you should be getting surgery so soon, you’re 15 and mid mtn. Soft max fully first and let yourself grow into your features. How tall are you and what’s ur bf%
im 5'8-5'9 its been a little since i checked and im not sure about my bf tbh i dont know how to check it
When i turn 17 which is in 2 years i plan on getting either obo- orbital box osteotomy or rhinoplasty i just wanted to make this post to see which one u guys think would be better for me
gonion + chin implants
just get wider cheekbones to improve esr
Fucking retarted to even consider an OBO, unless of course you want to get botched and the rest of your life ruined. Just get jaw implants when you are 18 and that should ascend you alot

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