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Offical dna results of astrosky

since u have been on exogenous testosterone for so many years have ur testicles shrank
if yes then how much
if not then how was it possible
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how many mg per week ?
150mg a week. That's split into 3. M. W. F. SUB q. In Castor oil *homebrewed to control all variables.

Extends Half life. Slows absorption. Smoother peaks and highs. However I'm switching to test Undecanoate to allow me to inject once every 4 weeks. Half life on that is 33 days. I hate injecting and I suck at remembering my shot so this will be a nice change. One of the best thing about homebrew is the ability to pick your oil. Castor oil is the thickness. Lowest inflammation and helps keep higher concentration brews held into soultion. I'll never go back to seed oil formuatlions that almost all UGL or pharma labs use. I also can lower the solvents used in testosterone which means even less systemic inflammation. Did I mention it's cheap? 2 dollars a vial once you add up the cost spent on all equipment and raws. I'm set for 10 years.

Watch this video to get an idea of what this all means
