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offtopic will pass looksmaxxing in posts soon

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  • #2
we will reach that offtopic/looksmaxxing posts ratio eventually
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  • #9
This is the beginning of the end soon you will have a major migration wave of .org users more than lately very s9on there will be many permanent bans on .org and they will all come here they will take over the offtopic. It's almost over for this forum
Cope. About 1/4 org users who join are banned right off the bat. Adding onto that 25%~ most org users get tired of the rules and go back to looksmax and barely go on this forum at all. This is about the other 60%. The final 15% end up staying but still switch between forums unless they are permabanne don the other
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  • #12
true but look at that was the downfall of it
Nah as long as the users remain good to people in looksmaxxing and users aren’t toxic and respond to each others posts we will be fine

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