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Discussion On looks max if someone accuses you as female, you will be extorted a facepic


Active member
Jul 5, 2019
Judas Froome,

You have been permanently banned by Moderation Staff.

Additional Comments: foid, if male send proof in form of selfie with time stamp of todays date and my username

I'm not sending my face to smelly looks forum moderators. Their loss

Getting banned for no reason feels extremely violating so I had to get that off my chest
So are you a woman or not?

I thought you were a shitty troll.
Judas Froome,

You have been permanently banned by Moderation Staff.

Additional Comments: foid, if male send proof in form of selfie with time stamp of todays date and my username

I'm not sending my face to smelly looks forum moderators. Their loss

Getting banned for no reason feels extremely violating so I had to get that off my chest
u get banned for a reason
Judas Froome,

You have been permanently banned by Moderation Staff.

Additional Comments: foid, if male send proof in form of selfie with time stamp of todays date and my username

I'm not sending my face to smelly looks forum moderators. Their loss

Getting banned for no reason feels extremely violating so I had to get that off my chest
was that the account with the smurf dude?
Judas Froome,

You have been permanently banned by Moderation Staff.

Additional Comments: foid, if male send proof in form of selfie with time stamp of todays date and my username

I'm not sending my face to smelly looks forum moderators. Their loss

Getting banned for no reason feels extremely violating so I had to get that off my chest
i larped as female and got banned but the great lord crisick got me unbanned. @ascension_real @Tombradylover @n9wiff @alurmo do you guys remember 😢
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