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Discussion opinions

Extra-Fit for a 5'3 girl. But i would say that numbers aren't important for looks, it's more how your body looks that's matters

For example women can have higher bodyfat % but if genetically well shared on the body parts like glutes, thighs and breast, and no around obliques for example, andthen she has a better physical appealing than a woman with lower bodyfat or higher muscle mass
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Extra-Fit for a 5'3 girl. But i would say that numbers aren't important for looks, it's more how your body looks that's matters

For example women can have higher bodyfat % but if genetically well shared on the body parts like glutes, thighs and breast, and no around obliques for example, andthen she has a better physical appealing than a woman with lower bodyfat or higher muscle mass
I’ve been struggling with my weight for so long and this is the healthiest I’ve been 😔 can I pm u?
Looks good tbh

I am 51kg but 181cm jfl

Your body comp should be pretty good too
bmi 18 is underweight so you need to gain some fat and muscle tbh, i think ur body fat is alright just have it stay at 20-25% as u gain (by ensuring you are putting on equal amounts of fat + muscle through diet and exercise) and you’ll be good.
bmi 18 is underweight so you need to gain some fat and muscle tbh, i think ur body fat is alright just have it stay at 20-25% as u gain (by ensuring you are putting on equal amounts of fat + muscle through diet and exercise) and you’ll be good.
i’m a gym girl but i shall still answer anyway
U have nice arms imo. Many models are underweight. Depends what type of look you wanna go for tbh. Models aren't healthy tho obviously. Consider doing what I recommended previously I think it would help you the most and it's really not a lotta work.
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