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.org is mentally ill

Yeah that place is filled with shit users ATM, why I requested a ban from there.

An endless circle jerk and echo chamber of autists sometimes.
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I don't hate Indians. I hate the self hating toxic shit eating ones who are nothing but little shit stains and don't admit they are insecure. Jealous and need to get some psychological help. It's nuanced. Big difference.

They are narcissistic and that's what makes it comical. They don't even have the value to back up being narcissistic so it's super draining to watch. It's like Eliot rodger which I would absolutely want to beat up. Dude was not able to lower his standard a tiny bit becuase he felt like he deserved more than he truly did deserve. EGO.

What's worse he decided to go and kill others because he couldn't thug it out. Weak genetics tbh.
I don't hate Indians. I hate the self hating toxic shit eating ones who are nothing but little shit stains and don't admit they are insecure. Jealous and need to get some psychological help. It's nuanced. Big difference.

They are narcissistic and that's what makes it comical. They don't even have the value to back up being narcissistic so it's super draining to watch. It's like Eliot rodger which I would absolutely want to beat up. Dude was not able to lower his standard a tiny bit becuase he felt like he deserved more than he truly did deserve. EGO.

What's worse he decided to go and kill others because he couldn't thug it out. Weak genetics tbh.
im not ever going to excuse Elliot Rodger's actions, but he was mentally struggling since a child and saying he "couldn't thug it out, weak genetics tbh" is a terrible, sickening thing to say. not just for him, but for the victims

and no need to specifically point out indians. not all of org are indians. why are you specifically targeting those
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im not ever going to excuse Elliot Rodger's actions, but he was mentally struggling since a child and saying he "couldn't thug it out, weak genetics tbh" is a terrible, sickening thing to say. not just for him, but for the victims

and no need to specifically point out indians. not all of org are indians. why are you specifically targeting those
It's not sickness to say he couldn't do the right thing. My childhood was full of abuse and shit that could of turned me into a bad bad person easily. Literally. I didn't take the path of him because I never want to cause harm to the weak and defenseless. I don't want to take out my own problems on others like I'm trying to punish those in some just vengeance. Eliot had issues and he also was cursed with narcissism. This is why he couldn't shake his beliefs. He was shafted with a mind disorder that prevented him from getting help because truly believe he did not need it. He was evil. That's how i see it and his death was god getting rid of the evil. There was nothing good inside him. Some are raised into that which I could blame his parents and tbh I will. His parents was shit to him. They made him into what he was. Doesn't change he was evil though. If only people did something while he was still a child before he turned into the adult he was. Maybe he could of been saved.

His abuse and experience does not justify or give me any sorta of empathy towards his reaction. There is always another way to approach your problems. There is always a choice. Those who believe there isn't and have that all or nothing attitude are selfish beings and nothing good will come their way. Thank God it works itself out in the end. The same can be said for Jeffery Dahmer. He had bpd. I have bpd. Why didn't I turn out like him? I was physically beaten. Abused I experienced lots of hardship. My personal opinion is I had a stronger soul. I don't desire the weak and defenseless to suffer. I desire good to come to those who make a conscious choice to be good. Those who want others to suffer for no reason other than your life sucks. Yeah. That's my line and that's where I'll desire to defend the weak even if it means physically harming the aggressor. Evil will never survive for long in this world. People like me exist. I'm not alone with this soul. So that's reassuring. Many many others want to stand up for the weak.
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It's not sickness to say he couldn't do the right thing. My childhood was full of abuse and shit that could of turned me into a bad bad person easily. Literally. I didn't take the path of him because I never want to cause harm to the weak and defenseless. I don't want to take out my own problems on others like I'm trying to punish those in some just vengeance. Eliot had issues and he also was cursed with narcissism. This is why he couldn't shake his beliefs. He was shafted with a mind disorder that prevented him from getting help because truly believe he did not need it. He was evil. That's how i see it and his death was god getting rid of the evil. There was nothing good inside him. Some are raised into that which I could blame his parents and tbh I will. His parents was shit to him. They made him into what he was. Doesn't change he was evil though. If only people did something while he was still a child before he turned into the adult he was. Maybe he could of been saved.
Yeah, he most likely could have had a better life. He had many mental issues growing up and was bullied often. It's never right to hurt others, nobody can ever justify these acts of violence. But it's not black and white, he's evil and all. He's a person. Everyone is. Not everyone has the chance to seek the light. I cannot fathom, why would anyone have the thought process to say something like, "he has weak genes, should've thugged it out." We're all human. We feel pain, and suffering, and sometimes it results in unspeakable actions.
I will never support Elliot Rodger and what he did, but he was human, like the rest of us.
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Yeah, he most likely could have had a better life. He had many mental issues growing up and was bullied often. It's never right to hurt others, nobody can ever justify these acts of violence. But it's not black and white, he's evil and all. He's a person. Everyone is. Not everyone has the chance to seek the light. I cannot fathom, why would anyone have the thought process to say something like, "he has weak genes, should've thugged it out." We're all human. We feel pain, and suffering, and sometimes it results in unspeakable actions.
I will never support Elliot Rodger and what he did, but he was human, like the rest of us.
When I say "thug it out," I mean it is better to endure personal struggles, even if it involves self-reflection or self-care, rather than inflicting harm on others. Elliot Rodger didn't adopt this mindset because he had a deep-seated desire to dominate and be the center of attention. He felt that if he was going to suffer, he might as well make others suffer too.It is crucial to understand that enduring hardship without resorting to violence can lead to personal growth and improvement over time. Not the path he took.

Sometimes, the path to mental health involves accepting that it's okay to not be okay. Quite literally.

Many mental struggles are exacerbated by our self-perceptions and the belief that our suffering is unique or special. When people are convinced that their pain is beyond understanding, it can hinder their ability to empathize and rationalize, leading them to reject help with the thought, "You can't possibly understand me." Much of incels are like this. It's a trap they fall into.

fostering a mindset where we acknowledge our struggles without glorifying them as insurmountable or unique, we can open ourselves to empathy and support from others......
dont let the haters get to you babe, you're terachad 😍
fuck looksmax and meathead ork- pei

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