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Serious Over for shy guys

It depends on how shy he is. You can't expect the girl to do all the work, but she shouldn't assume she can remain completely silent and still get approached.
Of course..I imagine same for guys right,if a shy girl has the personality of cardboard it gets boring,you don't even how if she likes you ,you want that back and forth.But getting someone flustered and shit that's cute.
this is why i say its cope to think its all just looks. Anyone with irl experience knows for most women u need to be making the moves regardless of ur looks level. Being shy in these cases geniunley blows cuz ur missing out on a lot of opportunities u otherwise would have if u were able to make those first moves.
this is why i say its cope to think its all just looks. Anyone with irl experience knows for most women u need to be making the moves regardless of ur looks level. Being shy in these cases geniunley blows cuz ur missing out on a lot of opportunities u otherwise would have if u were able to make those first moves.
i think along with this it’s also stupid to think that all guys have to be the ones to make the first move
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  • #13
this is why i say its cope to think its all just looks. Anyone with irl experience knows for most women u need to be making the moves regardless of ur looks level. Being shy in these cases geniunley blows cuz ur missing out on a lot of opportunities u otherwise would have if u were able to make those first moves.
Never began then
i think along with this it’s also stupid to think that all guys have to be the ones to make the first move
yea giga based but sadly women dont have that mentality and its funny cuz most women who look minimum mtb wont get rejected for approaching a guy within 1 or even 2 tiers of their looks levels. So its not like women should fear rejection like men should when it comes to that
Of course..I imagine same for guys right,if a shy girl has the personality of cardboard it gets boring,you don't even how if she likes you ,you want that back and forth.But getting someone flustered and shit that's cute.
Yeah, I’m still a bit traditional, so I believe men should put in more effort to win over a girl than the other way around. However, you can’t just wait to be approached without dropping hints, especially in a time when someone might get labeled a creep. But as you mentioned, what's cute is flustering the opposite sex, and that requires a bit of give and take. You need to give attention but keep it minimal to spark attraction.
yea giga based but sadly women dont have that mentality and its funny cuz most women who look minimum mtb wont get rejected for approaching a guy within 1 or even 2 tiers of their looks levels. So its not like women should fear rejection like men should when it comes to that
so real i see my friends alll the time fear retention when i tell them to just go up to said guy and they think i’m setting them up
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  • #18
What do you all think is a minimum looks level is required to get away with shyness? With normal people
women can be the first to approach but after the fact men should be the ones putting in the most effort to make the relationship go somewhere
nah man disagree both parties should be putting in equal amounts of effort in various ways to make the relationship go somewhere. If u mean men should lead more then i agree tho
this is why i say its cope to think its all just looks. Anyone with irl experience knows for most women u need to be making the moves regardless of ur looks level. Being shy in these cases geniunley blows cuz ur missing out on a lot of opportunities u otherwise would have if u were able to make those first moves.
fr bro, psl autism and shyness fuck up what should be easy opportunities
there was this htb chick in a class I had a few months ago, constantly flirting and shit testing me. I didn't act though cause I was too nervous and cause she was mongoloid jfl :LOL: :copium:
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  • #30
fr bro, psl autism and shyness fuck up what should be easy opportunities
there was this htb chick in a class I had a few months ago, constantly flirting and shit testing me. I didn't act though cause I was too nervous and cause she was mongoloid jfl :LOL: :copium:
Perosnlaly i am shy asf so i wouldn't approach anyone so i expect someone to approach me.
I am not into shy guys tbh.
tow shy people just dont work together
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