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Over girl put me in friendzone fast


Well-known member
Dec 28, 2019
I met a girl last night at a friends dinner I had never seen her before. We went to a club and she asked me for my Instagram and cell phone number. When we were leaving the club she asked where I work and she said I work near her, she said we have to have lunch during the week but she wants her brother to go too. Truly over she friendzone me
I think im subhuman maybe im not but i feel. And sonetimes i have good english because before i use translator now i not want make effort
Why do you feel subhuman? Also what translator do you use?
Yes im nt i think not htn. I never say im mot nt but i have mental problems but not autistic
You said on .org you are autistic? Or is that account not you?
I thought it was subhhmanchad
proof bhai

I met a girl last night at a friends dinner I had never seen her before. We went to a club and she asked me for my Instagram and cell phone number. When we were leaving the club she asked where I work and she said I work near her, she said we have to have lunch during the week but she wants her brother to go too. Truly over she friendzone me
it means nothing, she can likes you enough if she ask you insta phone number and where you work.

Go to the date but expect nothing. worst case scenario is pure friendzone and her brother is gay af
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it means nothing, she can likes you enough if she ask you insta phone number and where you work.

Go to the date but expect nothing. worst case scenario is pure friendzone and her brother is gay af
She first say for only us go for lunch but after i say i work in IT she say her brother work in IT and she say maybe is good if her brother go to lunch for talk
She first say for only us go for lunch but after i say i work in IT she say her brother work in IT and she say maybe is good if her brother go to lunch for talk
go for it anyways, you'll see
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