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over my friend in house party ask a girl she fuck me and she say no over for me

sorry to hear
compensate what?
Most likely their body insecurities. Ugly, fat, not like other or prettier girls
So they got addicted to the cheap validation & attention from horny men, they didn't even get pleasure, they just want to be validated
Most likely their body insecurities. Ugly, fat, not like other or prettier girls
So they got addicted to the cheap validation & attention from horny men, they didn't even get pleasure, they just want to be validated
i never give attention to this girls. But you think she think im subhuman?
over she say not want fuck me and she is very ugly
She just wants you to be more aggressive and entitled about it, that's all. Try not taking "no" for an answer and watch how she comes around.

Lol, on a more serious note one of my wife's friends from college was date r***d by a guy she was dating. He slipped something in her drink and took her virginity while she was passed out. The girl was very innocent and defended the guy, saying that the reason he did it must have been because he loved her too much.
She just wants you to be more aggressive and entitled about it, that's all. Try not taking "no" for an answer and watch how she comes around.

Lol, on a more serious note one of my wife's friends from college was date r***d by a guy she was dating. He slipped something in her drink and took her virginity while she was passed out. The girl was very innocent and defended the guy, saying that the reason he did it must have been because he loved her too much.
i not want fuck her. my friend ask this to her but i not want fuck her
Yet another great addition to the badg story