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david laid worshipper
Jul 24, 2024
saw this tiktok of a beautiful girl. i cannot even imagine waking up like this everyday, looking in the mirror and just seeing this. i wish more than anything sometimes to be a beautiful girl that gets treated with kindness by everyone, not ignored, not rejected, knowing how beautiful i am, and just an easy life overall. radiating confidence. sometimes i don’t even know why i try anymore, i will never be this. if she tried with any guy id ever like in my life she could simply just have him. in fact, she can have anyone she wants. over.

feeling extra down lately, self esteem has plummeted. i’ll never stop trying to look better and be better tho.
saw this tiktok of a beautiful girl. i cannot even imagine waking up like this everyday, looking in the mirror and just seeing this. i wish more than anything sometimes to be a beautiful girl that gets treated with kindness by everyone, not ignored, not rejected, knowing how beautiful i am, and just an easy life overall. radiating confidence. sometimes i don’t even know why i try anymore, i will never be this. if she tried with any guy id ever like in my life she could simply just have him. in fact, she can have anyone she wants. over.

feeling extra down lately, self esteem has plummeted. i’ll never stop trying to look better and be better tho.
Titkok is banned here
Can't see what's inside
Have you already posted a pic of you to compare ?

But anyways since i've read the comment when your gym-date ghosted you, i suggest to take a break from instagram/tiktok, this is a brainrot for women's confidence. There are fraud make-up and filters into oblivion it's unrealistic.

You're just sad because you was interested in a guy and this mf ghosted you. I would say focus in your other hobbies in life and don't hesitate to talk to guys you are interested in. Seriously

Edit : nevermind i've seen your OG post with the pics, i'm sure at 80% the guy fumbled because he was scared. Like the guys who got intimidated by pretty girls, it happens a lot. He was affraid to talk to you in person ? Seems very shy or clumsy ?
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  • #25
Have you already posted a pic of you to compare ?

But anyways since i've read the comment when your gym-date ghosted you, i suggest to take a break from instagram/tiktok, this is a brainrot for women's confidence. There are fraud make-up and filters into oblivion it's unrealistic.

You're just sad because you was interested in a guy and this mf ghosted you. I would say focus in your other hobbies in life and don't hesitate to talk to guys you are interested in. Seriously

Edit : nevermind i've seen your OG post with the pics, i'm sure at 80% the guy fumbled because he was scared. Like the guys who got intimidated by pretty girls, it happens a lot. He was affraid to talk to you in person ? Seems very shy or clumsy ?
You’re right, I definitely need a break from tiktok. it’s a literal addiction and pure brainrot lol. Thank you for the advice, i really appreciate it.
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  • #27
pompompurino, this is not an attempt at sympathy or to make you feel better, but id rather tap you than that tiktok lady
this is much appreciated honestly. time to learn better makeup and i may reach that level.
saw this tiktok of a beautiful girl. i cannot even imagine waking up like this everyday, looking in the mirror and just seeing this. i wish more than anything sometimes to be a beautiful girl that gets treated with kindness by everyone, not ignored, not rejected, knowing how beautiful i am, and just an easy life overall. radiating confidence. sometimes i don’t even know why i try anymore, i will never be this. if she tried with any guy id ever like in my life she could simply just have him. in fact, she can have anyone she wants. over.

feeling extra down lately, self esteem has plummeted. i’ll never stop trying to look better and be better tho.
Girl what? I think this forum is starting to have an effect on you, your htb, be realistic for 2 seconds