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Discussion People who are able to get their hands on steorids and PEDs r at a young age

I don't think the NBA would let him get away with that
nah there’s plenty of ways to pass a drug test and plenty of less common PEDs they don’t test for

most professional athletes use some sort of PED
they are harmless to the body natural poduction of stuff. Not such a clever option
I don't think the NBA would let him get away with that
Most professional athletes use PEDs

You are allowed to use PED's, you just need to past tests :>
(most) Minors who obtain PEDs are either incredibly rich and stupid, or just stupid.

It's rare to find someone who reads up on any research for the substances they buy, which leads to them taking advice from armchair pharmacologists and personal trainers.
(most) Minors who obtain PEDs are either incredibly rich and stupid, or just stupid.

It's rare to find someone who reads up on any research for the substances they buy, which leads to them taking advice from armchair pharmacologists and personal trainers.
not true, the entire point of looksmaxxing forums is to become well versed in the physiological processes that take place when you introduce exogenous hormones or prohormones or secretagogues

most people on here have basic knowledge of how the main PEDs work and how to PCT

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