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Discussion Pic: I have green eyes

I have d40, so... Yeah
However, no. They look similar, but the eye appears less dull. My mother has t30 and they look a bit darker than mine
I have green eyes (D20), but they look brown (T50) in normal lightning. You can only see it good in the sun. And most of the times my pupils are big too, so you only see a green edge around the pupil

Only light green eyes mog. Fuck, so close yet so far

View attachment 72099
I think I have A60s, it's good cuz anyone can see the details in the iris in good lighting but usually theyre not all that noticeable, A10 or death tbh
15 5'8 dw I'm not growing I haven't in almost 2 years so it's over
dw there's still hope, some people stop growing for a long time and then instantly get a growth spurt. I was also 5'8 at 15 now almost 5'11 at 16
dw there's still hope, some people stop growing for a long time and then instantly get a growth spurt. I was also 5'8 at 15 now almost 5'11 at 16
How tall are ur parents, my mom is 4'11 and my dad is 5'10 and both my older brothers are shorter than me so it's unequivocally over
How tall are ur parents, my mom is 4'11 and my dad is 5'10 and both my older brothers are shorter than me so it's unequivocally over
mom almost 5'10 dad is like 5'8, I only have younge siblings and they are all shorter than me. 4'11 mom is brutal tho