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Discussion Pick 2 to defend you,the rest are coming to kill you:Prehistoric Edition


Established ★
Jul 17, 2024
you are on a island surrounded by 7 dinosaurs choose 2 to defend you the rest will attack you

Tyrannosaurus Rex
Stats: weight 15,000lbs height 20ft or 9 meters

Stats: weight 44,000lbs height 18ft or 7 meters

Stats: weight 2,000lbs height 48ft or 12 meters

Stats: weight 11,000lbs height 16ft or 4 meters

Stats: weight 30,000lbs height 43ft or 13 meters

Stats: weight 550lbs height 36ft or 11 meters

Stats: weight 6'400lbs height 16ft or 5 meters

Note: I don't know if it's metres or meters
Note: I don't know if it's metres or meters
depends on the country

oof this is hard ngl.
pterosaurs. i can fly away, or at least stay in the air to avoid attacks. maybe i could fly away to a different safer land.
the other one will be spinosaurus. he can swim, and also pretty sigma. i really liked spinosaurus when i was younger so its bias and not skills there
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  • #5
depends on the country

oof this is hard ngl.
pterosaurs. i can fly away, or at least stay in the air to avoid attacks. maybe i could fly away to a different safer land.
the other one will be spinosaurus. he can swim, and also pretty sigma. i really liked spinosaurus when i was younger so its bias and not skills there
Agreed man if Spinosaurus is not on your team it's over
Giganto raptor is scariest imo, it’s small enough to attack efficiently
depends on the country

oof this is hard ngl.
pterosaurs. i can fly away, or at least stay in the air to avoid attacks. maybe i could fly away to a different safer land.
the other one will be spinosaurus. he can swim, and also pretty sigma. i really liked spinosaurus when i was younger so its bias and not skills there
Skill issue just 1 vs 7
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  • #13
Titanoboa and spinosaurus is pretty good the boa is basically op
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  • #16
i wouldve considered titanboa if it were venomous. otherwise just grab it and eat its middle
But it can wrap its self around all dinosaurs and suffocate it to death
my plan would be to assemble weapons and hide in the trees by being camoflauged. Then I would jump at their eyes when given the opportunity or for the smaller ones attack the legs by hiding the ground. From there I would pick them off 1 by 1
my plan would be to assemble weapons and hide in the trees by being camoflauged. Then I would jump at their eyes when given the opportunity or for the smaller ones attack the legs by hiding the ground. From there I would pick them off 1 by 1
Yeah I’d die within 5 minutes
my plan would be to assemble weapons and hide in the trees by being camoflauged. Then I would jump at their eyes when given the opportunity or for the smaller ones attack the legs by hiding the ground. From there I would pick them off 1 by 1
what weapons? youre on a desserted island
Realistically I’d take the boa and ptero, flying away and suffocating dinos
Realistically I’d take the boa and ptero, flying away and suffocating dinos
think about it, ptero oneshots boa.
ptero flies in the air, boa cant see it. ptero dives and drives its skull through the boa's head, fatal. if it misses it can try again with no harm done
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  • #32
think about it, ptero oneshots boa.
ptero flies in the air, boa cant see it. ptero dives and drives its skull through the boa's head, fatal. if it misses it can try again with no harm done
The boa is 2,000lbs the ptero might have a hard time
i’m getting an AR 15, a 12 gauge semi auto shotgun loaded with slugs, and one of those giant long rifles they hunt elephants with

plus frag grenades and shi
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  • #38
i’m getting an AR 15, a 12 gauge semi auto shotgun loaded with slugs, and one of those giant long rifles they hunt elephants with

plus frag grenades and shi
Yeah it's over man gonna die instantly
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  • #42
*All the dinosaurs run away because I mog them all*
(I think im Jordan Barret)
(I have severe schizophrenia)
Skull mog
i’m getting an AR 15, a 12 gauge semi auto shotgun loaded with slugs, and one of those giant long rifles they hunt elephants with

plus frag grenades and shi
i would get a gas mask for myself and drop explosive gas bombs on the dinos using my ptero, while my spino chills in the water. the explosions will harm them and the gas will be deadly. they will be weak and pained. once the gas clears up my ptero and spino strike
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  • #46
i would get a gas mask for myself and drop explosive gas bombs on the dinos using my ptero, while my spino chills in the water. the explosions will harm them and the gas will be deadly. they will be weak and pained. once the gas clears up my ptero and spino strike
I should have added the Spinosaurus brother aegyptiacus it's 17ft and 7 tons and probably would be immune to gas and things because of where it lived
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  • #48

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