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New member
Sep 16, 2024
Hello, I’m looking for ways that I can improve my attractiveness.

I am 21, 182CM, ~170lbs

Please give advice on anything that is glaring that can be improved. I am not looking to ever do anything unatural.

Thank you,

(I understand that a lot of these pictures are not ideal but please let me know!)IMG_9734.jpegIMG_9734.jpegIMG_0181.jpegIMG_9562.jpegIMG_0635.jpegIMG_9986.jpegIMG_9988.jpegIMG_0764.jpeg


  • IMG_9369.jpeg
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Hello, I’m looking for ways that I can improve my attractiveness.

I am 21, 182CM, ~170lbs

Please give advice on anything that is glaring that can be improved. I am not looking to ever do anything unatural.

Thank you,

(I understand that a lot of these pictures are not ideal but please let me know!)View attachment 41198View attachment 41198View attachment 41193View attachment 41199View attachment 41197View attachment 41196View attachment 41195View attachment 41194
Great jawline ngl. I would agree with @Clone, thicken and darken eyebrows,
oh shit fr? have any references?

I always see people talking about benefits I’d love to see why not.

Thank you!
I don’t have any references, but just listening to your natural bodies reactions to certain things is the best way to go about if something is really good for you or not. Saunas and ice baths or whatever put you in extreme heat, which causes a reaction in your body telling your body that it doesn’t like what you are doing. In the sauna, you sweat and in the ice baths you shiver. Imo saunas are probably healthier for you then ice baths and if you enjoy them then you should continue to do them but just be aware that it can be potentially stressing out/aging your body
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I don’t have any references, but just listening to your natural bodies reactions to certain things is the best way to go about if something is really good for you or not. Saunas and ice baths or whatever put you in extreme heat, which causes a reaction in your body telling your body that it doesn’t like what you are doing. In the sauna, you sweat and in the ice baths you shiver. Imo saunas are probably healthier for you then ice baths and if you enjoy them then you should continue to do them but just be aware that it can be potentially stressing out/aging your body
Thank you i apprecaite that and definitely understand the need to listen to my body, when I get out and during I feel borderline euphoric.

For me saunas are a great relaxer!
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