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Serious Please watch this, 6:42 . I watch this everyday and every single team I watch it, my heart drops and I feel amazing


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024


Title, It’s the way I get through life and cope. Anytime I feel sad, I put this video on and listen to snowfall by one heart.

It always gives me that one feeling, where you just forget about life and remember you’re 1 person out of a billion on some random floating rock in something called “Milky Way.”. You know, you know that feeling.

Especially when you know the context behind Kyrie, and how he’s treated.

Much love, hope all of you guys reading this have a great day/night. I hope for a better life for all of us.
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  • #2
“It’s okay to be human, I don’t have to be perfect for anyone here, nor do I have to be perfect for the public. So, I’m not near to dispel any perception, I’m just here to be myself.”

Wonderful. Beautiful. @Whitepill @JohnnyCage
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  • #3
“If the people understood what words could do to a human being, especially in today’s society, then they wouldn’t be so invested in that.” Definitely a good quote by Kyrie and relatable, I feel as if like people too often forget that people are humans. For them, it might be a quick little joke to make their friends laugh, but to the receipent it might be a lifelong insecurity that they’ll never forget. Later in the interview Kyrie mentions it too how no one cares how he feels. Just so real man, and like I said, if you know the context behind Kyrie it hits deeper. Hope this thread gets some replies because I think that everything Kyrie says, should be something you all remember.


Title, It’s the way I get through life and cope. Anytime I feel sad, I put this video on and listen to snowfall by one heart.

It always gives me that one feeling, where you just forget about life and remember you’re 1 person out of a billion on some random floating rock in something called “Milky Way.”. You know, you know that feeling.

Especially when you know the context behind Kyrie, and how he’s treated.

Much love, hope all of you guys reading this have a great day/night. I hope for a better life for all of us.
so true man, love that :peepoLove:
“If the people understood what words could do to a human being, especially in today’s society, then they wouldn’t be so invested in that.” Definitely a good quote by Kyrie and relatable, I feel as if like people too often forget that people are humans. For them, it might be a quick little joke to make their friends laugh, but to the receipent it might be a lifelong insecurity that they’ll never forget. Later in the interview Kyrie mentions it too how no one cares how he feels. Just so real man, and like I said, if you know the context behind Kyrie it hits deeper. Hope this thread gets some replies because I think that everything Kyrie says, should be something you all remember.
kyrie is so overhated by the media


Title, It’s the way I get through life and cope. Anytime I feel sad, I put this video on and listen to snowfall by one heart.

It always gives me that one feeling, where you just forget about life and remember you’re 1 person out of a billion on some random floating rock in something called “Milky Way.”. You know, you know that feeling.

Especially when you know the context behind Kyrie, and how he’s treated.

Much love, hope all of you guys reading this have a great day/night. I hope for a better life for all of us.

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