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Post Any Questions You Want Dr. Mike Mew to Answer


You are the greatest project you’ll ever work on.
Mar 17, 2019
Texas, USA
Instagram: looksmaxxing
Order of Nihil
If you have any questions you want Dr. Mike Mew to answer for an upcoming video then post it here.

Otherwise, if you have a case yourself that you would like his opinion on, or have an comments for him, then post it down below.

Note: Your questions will be made public, so just keep that in mind.

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I'm only accepting questions for Dr. Mew for the next 12 hours

So if there's anything you want answered then let me know
mr mike mew do you live in a castle
"Between 1993 and 1999, Mew built a reproduction moated castle in a valley in Sussex, which was featured on the TV programme Britain's Best Home."
truly a king
If you have any questions you want Dr. Mike Mew to answer for an upcoming video then post it here.

Otherwise, if you have a case yourself that you would like his opinion on, or have an comments for him, then post it down below.

Note: Your questions will be made public, so just keep that in mind.

What do you think

- How did you discover mewing?

- What led you to conclude that mewing has an impact on forward growth?

- Is mewing the posture our tongue should keep for natute? Just as keeping a straight back?
Ask him his thoughts on the carnivore diet with regards to oral/dental health and what he thinks is the optimal diet for homosapiens.

Also what he thinks about mouth breathing during extremely high intensity exercise.
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  • #9
What do you think

- How did you discover mewing?

- What led you to conclude that mewing has an impact on forward growth?

- Is mewing the posture our tongue should keep for natute? Just as keeping a straight back?
I think most people know this information, I don't want to ask general stuff
Ask him his thoughts on the carnivore diet with regards to oral/dental health and what he thinks is the optimal diet for homosapiens.

Also what he thinks about mouth breathing during extremely high intensity exercise.
good suggestions @Rkelly
If you have any questions you want Dr. Mike Mew to answer for an upcoming video then post it here.

Otherwise, if you have a case yourself that you would like his opinion on, or have an comments for him, then post it down below.

Note: Your questions will be made public, so just keep that in mind.

Hi, Dr. Mew. There are videos on mewing with different malocclusions, but they are really hard to follow.
Can you explain how to correct an overbite (deepbite) or underbite with mewing in adult age? Thanks!

Pretty formal, you can change based on video format.

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