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Discussion Post useful Books Recommendations


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2024
I already read some, like 48 laws of power, Nietzsche collection, Machiavelli, super memory (Brazilian), meditations, Sun Tzu, Descartes about method, power and manipulation, maestry, course of oratory and personal market (Brazilian), the poor wellbeing on culture (freud).

I consider those verry powerful books, i had read much more then that, dont take me as a stupid. I think i am well read in logic, epistemology, some behavioral psycology, sociology and arts.

What powerfull books beside the ones listed and besides the spoken subjects would you recommend for me?
I already read some, like 48 laws of power, Nietzsche collection, Machiavelli, super memory (Brazilian), meditations, Sun Tzu, Descartes about method, power and manipulation, maestry, course of oratory and personal market (Brazilian), the poor wellbeing on culture (freud).

I consider those verry powerful books, i had read much more then that, dont take me as a stupid. I think i am well read in logic, epistemology, some behavioral psycology, sociology and arts.

What powerfull books beside the ones listed and besides the spoken subjects would you recommend for me?
how to win friends and influence people is a good one to add to that list
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  • #5
need a .com book club going
Wouldnt be as interesting for me, given that books clubs often focus too much on useless literally works such as War and Piece. So far, the experience as being showed to me as the most useful information are found in the most unusual subjects and founts of knowledge such as here. One could eternally read all the classical and modern popular books and still be unconscious on the importance and influence of looks, for example.
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  • #6
what has been your favorite book out of those @Wilk
I am uncapable of having a favorite between those.
The art of war helped to win competitions against people who were stronger and more prepared then me, but lacked strategy thinking.
Descartes were helpful to develop a singular understanding of epistemology based on pplausibility instead of perfection certainty, he also gave information about his whole education - wich was one of the best in his time - passing how specific subjects are helpful and not for getting money.
´´Supermemory =: you can also have one`` by Alberto Dell´Isola is a book on methods of memorization by a memorization athlete who owns multiple victories in those competitions, it has being the most reliable function method to study absolutely any boring subject of school and university.
When hard times come and i have to control my self deeply, marco aurelios meditations help, but they shouldn't be regarded as a good long term strategy, because some level of tasteful life must exist in order to depression and other wellbeing problems come. It is in this point of view that Nietzsche philosophy comes, although a good amount of his view on morality and emotional creation are wrong: compassion isn't a fake emotional, for example, it manifests it self in all societies and even in the most aristocratic and barbaric communities, showing some level of biological landscape of what is and not is capable of changing in both these philosophys.
Reading about social psychological made me understand group dynamics that explain the constant corruption of political parties and governments. ´´ Blueprint: the evolutionary....`` shows with a absurd expansive data base that every single group needs a leader or they colapse in war. An idea congruent to the Elite Theory. Eventually, because a leader functions as a holder of information, he obtains the power of administration over others, concentrating power even in the most weak and equalitarian societies. The amount of persecution, violence and other forms of abuse can be decreased by some contexts, but the necessity of privilegies, freedom and inequality cant be modified due to this sociological physics.
The 48 laws of power allow you to conduct yourself in a more defensive manner in dangerous social circumstances.

I must say that i had read the dale carnage book on how to influence people, but that i shall read it again, partially, thanks to your reminder that those knowledges are being forgotten by me. Thanks
The assassination or Reinhardt Heydrich.

Seemed like a normal historical book when I first picked it up but gave alot of insight on how people irrationally hate and use hypocrisy to deflect their own insecurities.
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  • #8
The assassination or Reinhardt Heydrich.

Seemed like a normal historical book when I first picked it up but gave alot of insight on how people irrationally hate and use hypocrisy to deflect their own insecurities.
Interesting, thanks for the recommendation.
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  • #11
i dont really read long philosophical books, i usually watch video summaries and somtimes ai
i read mostly fiction and science books
im not sure if those are useful to the average person
The prelude and first book of Foundation were quiet useful in understanding strategy, power and accelerationism.
I already read some, like 48 laws of power, Nietzsche collection, Machiavelli, super memory (Brazilian), meditations, Sun Tzu, Descartes about method, power and manipulation, maestry, course of oratory and personal market (Brazilian), the poor wellbeing on culture (freud).

I consider those verry powerful books, i had read much more then that, dont take me as a stupid. I think i am well read in logic, epistemology, some behavioral psycology, sociology and arts.

What powerfull books beside the ones listed and besides the spoken subjects would you recommend for me?
The holy Bible is underrated, it is a very powerful book and especially if you are seeking for personal development or upgrading your dictionary

Im not asking for you to become christian though
I've enjoyed reading A Promised Land by Barack

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