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Well-known member
Sep 23, 2024
United States
So I got accepted into psu free because my grades where I live and all but I want to get a dorm room I'm planning to save all my money on work and continue to work throughout college for the 720 per month. for dorm

but do you guys still think I should live in the group home or is saving up for the dorm room the way to go.
So I got accepted into psu free because my grades where I live and all but I want to get a dorm room I'm planning to save all my money on work and continue to work throughout college for the 720 per month. for dorm

but do you guys still think I should live in the group home or is saving up for the dorm room the way to go.
I have no professional opinion. I am quiet interested to know the possible replies. I think you should had marked @James Othy
So I got accepted into psu free because my grades where I live and all but I want to get a dorm room I'm planning to save all my money on work and continue to work throughout college for the 720 per month. for dorm

but do you guys still think I should live in the group home or is saving up for the dorm room the way to go.
Maybe go to the dorm just for the first year. Work through college if you really want to live in the dorm but don't go into debt for it.
So I got accepted into psu free because my grades where I live and all but I want to get a dorm room I'm planning to save all my money on work and continue to work throughout college for the 720 per month. for dorm

but do you guys still think I should live in the group home or is saving up for the dorm room the way to go.
$750 a month for a shared room is just too much for my blood.
So I got accepted into psu free because my grades where I live and all but I want to get a dorm room I'm planning to save all my money on work and continue to work throughout college for the 720 per month. for dorm

but do you guys still think I should live in the group home or is saving up for the dorm room the way to go.
I don't even pay that for a whole ass appartment in my rural area here in France