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question for the girls

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louis partridge is the first person who comes to mind who is well known for me
others would probably be ateş salih and alessandro delissola
but they are not my ideal because they are not pretty boys. my dream guy is lord tewksebury 🤭

special mention- josh richards
ok i can’t pick just three, hyunjin from stray kids and beomgyu from txt are so 🤭
and K from &team idc what anyone says
i do NOT find that jordan barrett mf attractive
he also just gives off such dirty fuckboy vibes that i don’t like
ooh i’m late but i wanna answer this
1. cillian murphy
2. david laid
3. luke pasqualino (when he played freddy from skins specifically)
ooh i’m late but i wanna answer this
1. cillian murphy
2. david laid
3. luke pasqualino (when he played freddy from skins specifically)
David laid is so real, such a fricking handsome dude, especially when he was like 19. Sadly definitely not as attractive now as he was
David laid is so real, such a fricking handsome dude, especially when he was like 19. Sadly definitely not as attractive now as he was
true, not as attractive as before but still super attractive
true, not as attractive as before but still super attractive
Overall he had and has such an incredibly high appeal. Tall, like 6'2, one of the best physiques of all time (extremely wide shoulders, narrow waist, good muscle bellies), and to top it off, one of the most attractive faces to ever exist
Overall he had and has such an incredibly high appeal. Tall, like 6'2, one of the best physiques of all time (extremely wide shoulders, narrow waist, good muscle bellies), and to top it off, one of the most attractive faces to ever exist
hes blessed asf
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