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Info "question for women"


MotM Award
Established ★★★
May 7, 2024
These threads are essentially useless
As most of the traits they list are either 1. virtue signalling 2. unchangeable/unobtainable if you arent born with them aka untrainable
No training in life will save you or make those traits any better
Its basically just be lean, dimorphic , and attractive to the best of your abilities which is all natural
Roiding can help, as it increases dimorphism, maybe your shoulders will get broader, your forearm muscles thicker.
Even with roiding and natty gymcelling its genetics. do you have good bones? good muscle bellies? good insertions?
You cant train your way out of bad genetics with looksmaxxing or gym
And it likely wont improve your state either even if you are attractive because you already are that and have no reason to train or improve
I've concluded asking women questions in general is useless because you already know the answer if you are blackpilled
Personality traits and neurotypicality are also not trainable or changeable
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height, frame, relatively lean( not fat) Unchangeable unless ur overweight and already have those attributes
"People are more lazy" if anything they are less lazy
Shes just a sheep regurgitating useless talking points, not a single thought, just a script
Doesnt even mention the face cause its a Redpill channel JFL
Theres just nothing of benefit that can be obtained from talking to women on here or anywhere.
And I've been here since May.
No disrespect to the ladies out there , but this is just how I feel. All the stuff we need to know from you guys is already known and common sense
I say we start spreading false information to lower competition even more.
Honestly law in 2025
Never helping any mfs again
They can keep coping with haircuts and perms and skincare
Honestly law in 2025
Never helping any mfs again
They can keep coping with haircuts and perms and skincare
every single person I see now asking for help is some dork ass kid from TikTok or Instagram that just wants an easy shopping list instead of doing their own research with easy to comprehend shit that is free.

and when you tell them the honest truth, they get pissed.

when you tell them something about the product or method that they are wanting to use they also get butt hurt and resort to coping like dorks.

I say, fuck all that.
Tbf these aren’t rly copes

Tons of ltn, maybe mtn at best, “prettyboys” that just hve good skin and trendy cuts
Skincare damages your skin
Haircuts are useful yes
Perms damage the hair
They can be useful but most of the time they arent and even if its known it doesnt even scrape the surface of looksmaxxing as a whole.
every single person I see now asking for help is some dork ass kid from TikTok or Instagram that just wants an easy shopping list instead of doing their own research with easy to comprehend shit that is free.

and when you tell them the honest truth, they get pissed.

when you tell them something about the product or method that they are wanting to use they also get butt hurt and resort to coping like dorks.

I say, fuck all that.
yeah exactly. just make high iq threads and let people decide what to do from there is goals
Perms damage the hair
Yeah, it’s why I try to suggest people to always work with their hair type not against it

Skincare damages your skin

They can be useful but most of the time they arent and even if it’s known it doesnt even scrape the surface of looksmaxxing as a whole.
Imo it’s useful for most people

unless ur trying to become a slayer, It’s only non NTs who rly need to hardmaxx just to ascend and get a ltr
These threads are essentially useless
As most of the traits they list are either 1. virtue signalling 2. unchangeable/unobtainable if you arent born with them aka untrainable
No training in life will save you or make those traits any better
Its basically just be lean, dimorphic , and attractive to the best of your abilities which is all natural
Roiding can help, as it increases dimorphism, maybe your shoulders will get broader, your forearm muscles thicker.
Even with roiding and natty gymcelling its genetics. do you have good bones? good muscle bellies? good insertions?
You cant train your way out of bad genetics with looksmaxxing or gym
And it likely wont improve your state either even if you are attractive because you already are that and have no reason to train or improve
I've concluded asking women questions in general is useless because you already know the answer if you are blackpilled
Women don't really know how to answer questions. Especially if you ask them what they find attractive. Women aren't really wired to know these kinds of things until they're staring them right in the face. And they often don't know how to separate attributes from an individual until a different type of individual with the same attributes has become a prominent enough fixture in their lives. This is why you're always seeing them falling in love with the exact type of men they fancied themselves hating for the longest time.
Women don't really know how to answer questions. Especially if you ask them what they find attractive. Women aren't really wired to know these kinds of things until they're staring them right in the face. And they often don't know how to separate attributes from an individual until a different type of individual with the same attributes has become a prominent enough fixture in their lives. This is you you constantly see them falling in love with the exact type of men they fancied themselves hating for the longest time.
Ok ignore the rest of it besides the title, I kinda trailed off on a tangent.
Basically asking them any sort of question is utterly useless
Thats the main point I'm trying to convey