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Serious Question to all women on this forum

Is mine big? Either way women tell me I'm ethereal.

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i have nose bump saar
but my proportions are good
my nose only looks bad when i wear glasses on em
Yeah thats the thing. I would be happy with my nose if it would be straight even though it is really big and has a bump
It depends. Longer noses = longer midface which is a high trust trait, which can be bad, crooked = bad (this is a sign of mouthbreathing), bump = bad, broad = bad.
A big nose requires a good maxilla support [1].
A big nose can be seen as assertive and dominant, also, a long nose is sign for a big dick (broadness and height has an impact too, but not as drastic as the length [edit: I did more research and concluded with the help of ChatGPT - In the second source, broadness does not have a significant impact because it was measured in 2D, using only one angle length. In the third source, broadness does make a huge difference as they used a 3D formula (1/3 × base area × height), but there is no clear explanation of what 'base area' is. We can assume it's where the nostrils are located, in which case length doesn't matter as much, or that it's the part against the midface, in which case length is important.]) [2], [3].


This is from the study I linked, note that they measured SPL - stretched penile length, not erect.

BMI, height, weight, foot size, ball size are the predictors of girth. See for yourself:


Just search up 'penile length nose size' in google scholar, if you want more proof. Now women that saw this message can determine dick size by looks 1725475017733.png
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It depends. Longer noses = longer midface which is a high trust trait, which can be bad, crooked = bad (this is a sign of mouthbreathing), bump = bad, broad = bad.
A big nose requires a good maxilla support [1].
A big nose can be seen as assertive and dominant, also, a long (broadness has an impact too, but not as drastic as the length) nose is sign for a big dick [2], [3].

View attachment 38803

This is from the study I linked, note that they measured SPL - stretched penile length, not erect.

BMI, height, weight, foot size, ball size are the predictors of girth. See for yourself:

View attachment 38804

Just search up 'penile length nose size' in google scholar, if you want more proof. Now women that saw this message can determine dick size by looks View attachment 38807
As I stated before. I got a bwc @Clone thats why my nose is long :gigachad:
no a lot of guys have big noses and are very attractive , like many male celebrities
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