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Discussion Question


Bonesmashing Everyday Until I Get Lean
Jun 14, 2024
Let’s say a LTN who’s 5’9 is going into his first day of school, work, college, whatever. Just any environment like that. He has severe acne, has a bad buzz cut, and is fat. So naturally, he’ll be bullied and outcasted by everyone and be seen as an incel. But let’s say over 6 months, he gets on accutane and clears his skin, grows his hair out and it’s pretty boy like, and he gets super lean. He’s now a HTN, and also grew to 5’11 which he frauds to 6’1 with some lifts. Will people still see him as the incel LTN and still treat him like an outcast, or will they see the difference and now treat him like a Chad? And remember, he sees these people everyday. It’s not like he shows up one day as a manlet LTN, takes a break, and comes back as a tall HTN.
Let’s say a LTN who’s 5’9 is going into his first day of school, work, college, whatever. Just any environment like that. He has severe acne, has a bad buzz cut, and is fat. So naturally, he’ll be bullied and outcasted by everyone and be seen as an incel. But let’s say over 6 months, he gets on accutane and clears his skin, grows his hair out and it’s pretty boy like, and he gets super lean. He’s not a HTN, and also grew to 5’11 which he frauds to 6’1 with some lifts. Will people still see him as the incel LTN and still treat him like an outcast, or will they see the difference and now treat him like a Chad? And remember, he sees these people everyday. It’s not like he shows up one day as a manlet LTN, takes a break, and comes back as a tall HTN.
There have been researches showing that there is a negative social reaction to frauding surgery, but that the compound effect of pretyness still works over time, so basically people will subcouncieslly treat you better even if they know that you are faking it.

They may not treat him like a chad, but things should improve as time passes.
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  • #4
There have been researches showing that there is a negative social reaction to frauding surgery, but that the compound effect of pretyness still works over time, so basically people will subcouncieslly treat you better even if they know that you are faking it.

They may not treat him like a chad, but things should improve as time passes.
I’m not talking about having surgery, I mean if he naturally softmaxxes to a HTN will people notice and treat him better. No one will think he got any plastic surgery.
I’m not talking about having surgery, I mean if he naturally softmaxxes to a HTN will people notice and treat him better. No one will think he got any plastic surgery.
the research was on people who done plastic surgery, by analogy we can project the same results to a softmaxx that is more dramatic such as lifts, hence the connection and sense
this was me exactly me last year when I started to softmaxx

people treated me badly before, I never did fit in, I got negative reactions from women and other people

now I still don’t fit in very well, but people compliment my appearance and say that I had a “glow up”

but yeah in terms of level of respect and success with the girls who knew me before, it hasn’t changed and I suspect that I’m still viewed in a similar light
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  • #7
this was me exactly me last year when I started to softmaxx

people treated me badly before, I never did fit in, I got negative reactions from women and other people

now I still don’t fit in very well, but people compliment my appearance and say that I had a “glow up”

but yeah in terms of level of respect and success with the girls who knew me before, it hasn’t changed and I suspect that I’m still viewed in a similar light
Man fuck. How long did it take for you to get lean, and what was your starting point body fat % ? I feel like people only notice if you show before pictures, but even then it’s not enough for them to treat you better .
Man f**k. How long did it take for you to get lean, and what was your starting point body fat % ? I feel like people only notice if you show before pictures, but even then it’s not enough for them to treat you better .
Dude, i use show lifters, pass something for deeply cleaning my face, dress with a lot of style, shave my beard and there is a huge diference on how people treat me.

If you want to leanmaxx, just starve, it is the most effective method for fast loss. But if you want to obtain a higer passive carb consumption, then get muscles sinze they use energy even when you are not exercising.
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Dude, i use show lifters, pass something for deeply cleaning my face, dress with a lot of style, shave my beard and there is a huge diference on how people treat me.

If you want to leanmaxx, just starve, it is the most effective method for fast loss. But if you want to obtain a higer passive carb consumption, then get muscles sinze they use energy even when you are not exercising.
No brother, i’m talking about people you see on a daily basis. They won’t notice a change because they see you everyday. I’m not gonna starve, I’m following Andy9432’s regime from org and it’s working well.
No brother, i’m talking about people you see on a daily basis. They won’t notice a change because they see you everyday. I’m not gonna starve, I’m following Andy9432’s regime from org and it’s working well.
Yes brother, they will treat you differently, it is simple instinct
I think realistically, the dude won’t know what to do.

The difference in treatment from a jump like LTN to HTN is insane, and he will just simply be dumbfounded and it will take a while for him to adjust to this new treatment.

The treatment of the past will also affect his mental state, so although now he has HTN, he will still be mentally troubled and not do as well as a guy who was HTN for a longer time and never had to ascend
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  • #12
I think realistically, the dude won’t know what to do.

The difference in treatment from a jump like LTN to HTN is insane, and he will just simply be dumbfounded and it will take a while for him to adjust to this new treatment.

The treatment of the past will also affect his mental state, so although now he has HTN, he will still be mentally troubled and not do as well as a guy who was HTN for a longer time and never had to ascend
He doesn’t jump from LTN to HTN though, I don’t think you guys are getting the point. He’s going from LTN to strong LTN to low MTN to mid MTN to high MTN to low HTN to mid HTN. It’s not just a single 4-6 jump.
Man f**k. How long did it take for you to get lean, and what was your starting point body fat % ? I feel like people only notice if you show before pictures, but even then it’s not enough for them to treat you better .
I started at around 20%, and I ran a lot that summer and fall for conditioning, so I lost a lot of fat and got to around 12%

so in about 5 or 6 months
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  • #15
The people I knew in high school always got picked on because they stood out in a bad way, like not showering regularly.
Not the same nowadays. You’ll get picked on for being short, ugly, estrogenic, etc. Things you can’t control, maybe back then people weren’t as harsh on LTNs and below, but nowadays they most definitely are. I’m a LTN and constantly picked on by people because of my face.
There have been researches showing that there is a negative social reaction to frauding surgery, but that the compound effect of pretyness still works over time, so basically people will subcouncieslly treat you better even if they know that you are faking it.

They may not treat him like a chad, but things should improve as time passes.
Works the same on anything. Even if you got surgery. Chances are you will be treated better. The first reaction people might have is negative. people who knew me reacted kinda negative when I started working out. They know I take test so they shit like "yeah it's cheating that's why he got that" yet over time they treat me better. People in my family are like "wow Austin got really big I'm impressed "

Halo effect always wins. Ignore it. Just do you. Who cares if it makes people treat you better. Just validate yourself. It all works out as you improve.
Works the same on anything. Even if you got surgery. Chances are you will be treated better. The first reaction people might have is negative. people who knew me reacted kinda negative when I started working out. They know I take test so they shit like "yeah it's cheating that's why he got that" yet over time they treat me better. People in my family are like "wow Austin got really big I'm impressed "

Halo effect always wins. Ignore it. Just do you. Who cares if it makes people treat you better. Just validate yourself. It all works out as you improve.
Why would you let them know you take test
this was me exactly me last year when I started to softmaxx

people treated me badly before, I never did fit in, I got negative reactions from women and other people

now I still don’t fit in very well, but people compliment my appearance and say that I had a “glow up”

but yeah in terms of level of respect and success with the girls who knew me before, it hasn’t changed and I suspect that I’m still viewed in a similar light
same man
but yeah ppl will subconsciously view you as the same person regardless of what you do
same man
but yeah ppl will subconsciously view you as the same person regardless of what you do
They might. But at a certain point if you can get fame too people are forced to view you differently. It's like a boundarie. Looking better is one thing. Having your life improve in all areas because you look better is another. When I glew up no one cared. But when I got fame for glowing up now they act like they knew me and was buddies in high-school. People only care when your harder to access.
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  • #22
They might. But at a certain point if you can get fame too people are forced to view you differently. It's like a boundarie. Looking better is one thing. Having your life improve in all areas because you look better is another. When I glew up no one cared. But when I got fame for glowing up now they act like they knew me and was buddies in high-school. People only care when your harder to access.
Yeah this is what I was thinking. People will know you look better but won’t treat you better, but if you start making those tiktoks like the “lancey or lancey ” shit people will notice. But anyways I think it’ll be fine because school/work isn’t everything, you’ll meet people outside of it.
They might. But at a certain point if you can get fame too people are forced to view you differently. It's like a boundarie. Looking better is one thing. Having your life improve in all areas because you look better is another. When I glew up no one cared. But when I got fame for glowing up now they act like they knew me and was buddies in high-school. People only care when your harder to access.
yeah you're right
my personality didnt change, nor did the amount of attention i was getting
hopefully the switch from highschool -> university will help with that
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  • #24
yeah you're right
my personality didnt change, nor did the amount of attention i was getting
hopefully the switch from highschool -> university will help with that
That’s also what I was thinking. During high school shit won’t change, but guarantee in college it’ll be different. Unless you went from like a 5’3 subhuman to a 5’8 MTN, yeah impressive transformation; you’re still a complete fucking incel regardless.
No brother, i’m talking about people you see on a daily basis. They won’t notice a change because they see you everyday. I’m not gonna starve, I’m following Andy9432’s regime from org and it’s working well.
Which regime
Link here plz
yes they will treat him nicer, but it will take some time for them to warmup to the sudden change
especially girls will treat him nicer (given that he also somewhat NTmaxes)
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