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Racepill is destroying me


Well-known member
Sep 15, 2024
It’s destroying my inner core slowly I feel like I might die from the racepill overdose. It’s definitely taking a toll on me tbh.
It breaks the inner core of an ethnics soul and makes them powerless and makes them go rope mode.
It’s the most brutal pills of all time.
I just got race , height , frame, face all types of mogs imaginable just minutes before.
I just got mogged brutally. The mogs can be too brutal at times especially when you see your own reflection in the mirror after the mog.
Imma get out of this forum now .
Bye then.
Nooo, not you too! Stick around, you're still young. You won’t get the full picture of how you’ll look until you’re 18. There’s always going to be a bigger fish, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a shark just because you see a whale.
You won’t get the full picture of how you’ll look until you’re 18
This. My facial fat basically melted away during my transition from 16 to 17 years old

It breaks the inner core of an ethnics soul and makes them powerless and makes them go rope mode.
It’s the most brutal pills of all time.
I used to be insecure about my race when I was young

Now I am proud of it, learn to love yourself, slowly. Being self-hating is extremely miserable.

And then there's some white girls tanning and end up looking like Trump instead...
i feel the same, it’s killing me not being at LEAST a pale latina. white poeple and other pale people in general have such an advantage.
White girls are overrated, media played with people’s brains.
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if anything its opposite you scallywag, are u blind or acting retarded to not see how white people are shat on and ethnics pushed, jews and media promoting interracial dating etc, fucking clown
Never heard of scallywag before, that’s a new one for me. But to respond to your point, the media has really pushed on three main groups in recent years: Whites (beauty standards, wealth, first world status, Hollywood influence), Blacks (dominance in rap, music, urban culture), and more recently East Asians ( K-pop, tech, and anime and ween culture).
As a mulatto all women wish for my death
the plan to eradicate the super shitskins is in full effect
all nonwhite women will get BLEACHED
I'm confused I thought you said you were a 3.5 which is only for defects and things so i doubt I don't think race is playing huge role especially in the USA were do you live?
You guys actually believe this it's over
"Pure white dna not incel" gets mogged by the Mexican sitting next to him
View attachment 43137
Sex shouldn't be a focus get a secure income and lifestyle and if your actually a 3.5 (doubt) hardmax but don't over do it
See but that ethnic HAS to be a hyper mogger to succeed while that white guy could not be incel if he tried
Ngl brown/black women covered in oil may be the sexiest thing existing.
Don't rope btw life good.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #49
Nooo, not you too! Stick around, you're still young. You won’t get the full picture of how you’ll look until you’re 18. There’s always going to be a bigger fish, but that doesn’t mean you’re not a shark just because you see a whale.
Maybe You are right.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #50
I used to be insecure about my race when I was young

Now I am proud of it, learn to love yourself, slowly. Being self-hating is extremely miserable.
I am still insecure but i still am somewhat proud of being a Dravidian .
Things like celebrating onam and eating in a banan leaf ,eating coconut from the trees and EatingJackfruit with the whole family is something exclusive to our culture.
I remember when my cousins and I played hide and seek one whole day from morning till sunset and one of my cousins were hiding on the coconut trees, fun times.
I can’t promise I will not self hate but I will try not to ig.