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Story ranking vaugely romantic experiences ive had


billions must mog
Sep 1, 2024
since i seem to post alot of “boo hoo poor me im so sad and pathetic wah wah wah” shit, i thought should lighten the mood and make a a silly post and rank all the rare and slightly romantic experiences ive had👍🏾 (heavily inspired by @telepathy ‘s post)

5/10 having two guys be interested in me in elementary school. all through elementary i had these two male best friends who at both had a crush on me at one point and it kind of destroyed our friendship ngl. 5/10 bc this is the most male attention ive ever gotten ever and i still think ab it sometimes😭😭

3/10- having a sorta bf also in elementary. in fifth grade there was this guy i was obsessed with and we hung out all time, and this was probably the closest ive ever gotten to having a bf. but a 3/10 bc i had to cut him off bc he started jorkin it in class…

0/10- (long one sorry) fumbling a bad bitch (no lesbo). my family is kind of well off and we go on cruises now and again and last year we went on a cruise, on the ship there was this group of girls i hung out with. in this group of girls there was a stone cold fox (no lesbo) who i hung around but didnt rlly talk to because she made made me nervous, and one night we went out and drank leftover beer that had been left in cups that hadnt been picked up yet and i got kind of buzzed. we were all hanging put in her room and i started tipsy rambling about how i hadnt had my first kiss yet, and how badly i want to touch boobs (no lesbo) and she offered to let me have my first kiss with her and feel her up and i thought she was joking but she was actually seroius and i said no for some reason?????? i think it was becuasw i was caught of gaurd and really nervous to even talk to her so yea…0/10 bc i fumbled so bad and i still think ab this daily
elementary does NOT count..i shouldve said yes bro i missed the opportunity of a lifetime
fakecel (plural fakecels). (incel slang) Someone who claims to be incel, despite having had some success in romance and dating.
the fact that she offered/agreed is enough
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you said the last one was a year ago, were you in elementary a year ago
how old r u
broooo the last one doenst rlly count as like someone being intrested in cuz its not like she wanted me actually she just felt bad for me also she was straight and had a bf yk how girls are😓 17😭😭
broooo the last one doenst rlly count as like someone being intrested in cuz its not like she wanted me actually she just felt bad for me also she was straight and had a bf yk how girls are😓 17😭😭
she couldve been bi
broooo the last one doenst rlly count as like someone being intrested in cuz its not like she wanted me actually she just felt bad for me also she was straight and had a bf yk how girls are😓 17😭😭
also straight people can act and do zesty things
if a straight engages in gay sex, doesnt make them gay. does mean it was successful for the one that was gay
either way its a success dating wise even if it is not oriented cuz the truth is, it undeniably happened
possible but i dont think so, straight girls are very very touchy and lax with their female friends
fr? so yall lesbians but strait?
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  • #10
also straight people can act and do zesty things
if a straight engages in gay sex, doesnt make them gay. does mean it was successful for the one that was gay
either way its a success dating wise even if it is not oriented cuz the truth is, it undeniably happened

fr? so yall lesbians but strait?
truth🤔 ig i am a fakcel…

yes fr, girls are so weird theyll flirt with u, kiss u, sit in ur lap, but then act so surprised when u fall in love with them
You'll bounce back promise
in 1st the class monitor girl (supposed to be face pf discipline and be an example for the class) and her friends stole my based ben 10 stickers from pencil box and sticked them on the backs of thier id cards

in 2nd standard a girl sitting next to me in class tried to rip and destroy my copy (notebook)
(a girl on my school van used to intimidate and try to bully me )

in 3rd standard a midget girl hit me some times (i hit her once she cried)

my experiences with females 😉
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  • #42
in 1st the class monitor girl (supposed to be face pf discipline and be an example for the class) and her friends stole my based ben 10 stickers from pencil box and sticked them on the backs of thier id cards

in 2nd standard a girl sitting next to me in class tried to rip and destroy my copy (notebook)
(a girl on my school van used to intimidate and try to bully me )

in 3rd standard a midget girl hit me some times (i hit her once she cried)

my experiences with females 😉
gigachad slayer💪
0/10- (long one sorry) fumbling a bad bitch (no lesbo). my family is kind of well off and we go on cruises now and again and last year we went on a cruise, on the ship there was this group of girls i hung out with. in this group of girls there was a stone cold fox (no lesbo) who i hung around but didnt rlly talk to because she made made me nervous, and one night we went out and drank leftover beer that had been left in cups that hadnt been picked up yet and i got kind of buzzed. we were all hanging put in her room and i started tipsy rambling about how i hadnt had my first kiss yet, and how badly i want to touch boobs (no lesbo) and she offered to let me have my first kiss with her and feel her up and i thought she was joking but she was actually seroius and i said no for some reason?????? i think it was becuasw i was caught of gaurd and really nervous to even talk to her so yea…0/10 bc i fumbled so bad and i still think ab this daily
‘Wanting to touch boobs and kiss a girl as a woman (not a lesbo)’ 🤨 I think you’re an incel for the wrong reasons.
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its not the same brah
lets just say
@n9wiff wants to touch balls very badly
so if he just wants to touch balls they don't have to belong to @chadronelite
he can just touch his own balls all he wants if he wants to touch balls
if he doesn't touch his own balls because they don't belong to chadronelite it would mean that n9wiff has no balls
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  • #49
lets just say
@n9wiff wants to touch balls very badly
so if he just wants to touch balls they don't have to belong to @chadronelite
he can just touch his own balls all he wants if he wants to touch balls
if he doesn't touch his own balls because they don't belong to chadronelite it would mean that n9wiff has no balls
very insightful bhai🤔🤔
