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Serious Rant abt being the duff in ur friend group lol

  • Thread starter Deleted member 33028
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Deleted member 33028

Everyday I find new flaws in myself and it’s like gosh I couldn’t get uglier but then I do. I know this is a forum for incels or something but like being a girl is acc so hard, because the standards of beauty r raised soo high esp in this generation. Growing up as a girl, u notice it, the pretty girl gets more friends, more attention js for being pretty. Idk why it’s so hard for me to make new girlfriends, Ik it’s not my personality cuz that’s the one thing that makes people stay. I feel like I’d never reach the point where I can say “Ik someone who’d pick me in a crowd”. Whenever I meet a guy n he sees my friends, his eyes will always wander off to my friends n I’m not jelaous it js feels shitty not being someone’s “prize”. Idk if I’m the duff friend (minus the fat part) but I know I can say that all my exes were having it for my friends. I’m becoming more and more insecure and i feel like it’s over for me. I don’t even care about male validation I just wnat to look at the mirror without thinking of what procedures I’ll get done once I graduate
I would say normally getting men's attention will be easier for women unless you're delulu and want exclusive Chad.
Be careful because beautiful girls have jealous girl-friends who will try to sabotaging their (dating) life and low key pushing them to be miserable as they are. I've seen that too often.
Plus your friendship with men will be superficial, they'll just want to sleep with you because you're hot. The attention they get is conditional

So next time, go out with ugly chicks only as your new friends and lock up your next bf in the cellar
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  • #3
I would say normally getting men's attention will be easier for women unless you're delulu and want exclusive Chad.
Be careful because beautiful girls have jealous girl-friends who will try to sabotaging their (dating) life and low key pushing them to be miserable as they are. I've seen that too often.
Plus your friendship with men will be superficial, they'll just want to sleep with you because you're hot. The attention they get is conditional

So next time, go out with ugly chicks only as your new friends and lock up your next bf in the cellar
u missed the whole point but alright
Everyday I find new flaws in myself and it’s like gosh I couldn’t get uglier but then I do. I know this is a forum for incels or something but like being a girl is acc so hard, because the standards of beauty r raised soo high esp in this generation. Growing up as a girl, u notice it, the pretty girl gets more friends, more attention js for being pretty. Idk why it’s so hard for me to make new girlfriends, Ik it’s not my personality cuz that’s the one thing that makes people stay. I feel like I’d never reach the point where I can say “Ik someone who’d pick me in a crowd”. Whenever I meet a guy n he sees my friends, his eyes will always wander off to my friends n I’m not jelaous it js feels shitty not being someone’s “prize”. Idk if I’m the duff friend (minus the fat part) but I know I can say that all my exes were having it for my friends. I’m becoming more and more insecure and i feel like it’s over for me. I don’t even care about male validation I just wnat to look at the mirror without thinking of what procedures I’ll get done once I graduate
I totally get what you’re talking about , if your looks make you feel this way you should start shifting your mindset and get to work hard! Try to get a job if you plan to get any surgery, if you’re not the proper age to work, focus on your body and your health: eat well, take care of your hair, brows and lashes and do skincare.
i understand how you feel, you’re here for a reason so let this all be more motivation to you to ascend into someone you can look at in the mirror and admire and be proud of.
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  • #6
I totally get what you’re talking about , if your looks make you feel this way you should start shifting your mindset and get to work hard! Try to get a job if you plan to get any surgery, if you’re not the proper age to work, focus on your body and your health: eat well, take care of your hair, brows and lashes and do skincare.
my parents r gonna pay for all of it but its js that i hate myself for being so weak that i cant accept my flaws but wtv tyy x
i tottally get it, its sucks bad but ig all u can do is be patient and have hope for the future </3
my parents r gonna pay for all of it but its js that i hate myself for being so weak that i cant accept my flaws but wtv tyy x
You’re not weak girlie, it’s just how human beauty works , it’s science , mathematics, it’s not your fault. A lot of people out there are just delulu, the price of black pill is swallowing the hard truth. You should feel lucky that you have somebody who pays for your treatments ( I will have to work unfortunately) , be positive and love your mind first.
u missed the whole point but alright
What's your point then ? You've talked about how life will be easier IRL and in your head if you are extremely attractive, and how much it impacts your friendships and relationships. I've just said that being extremely attractive will just attract supercial friends and superficial male's attention. You say you've met guys and you have exes, so you still get male's attention right ? I think you need to stop comparing yourself with your other friends. If guys start to be interested by your other friends, he wasn't interested 100% by you at the beginning.

Why do you want to looksmaxx ? Feeling confident and better if you look at the mirror or to get Chad exclusive attention (aka his prize like you've mentioned, or choosing you in the crowd)
the standards of beauty r raised soo high esp in this generation
I would recommend to delete Instagram and TikTok, this is pure brainrot for women, feeling jealous and insecure 24/7 over women who are frauded (make-up, filters, photoshop and surgeries) while algorythms push them so women feel bad about themselves. Once you stop social medias you'll feel better.

Idk why it’s so hard for me to make new girlfriends
To make female friends, it's actually simple with the sisterhood/sorority. You just lack of social skills
Women tend to not build true friendships if they feel threatened by a hotter girl (can steal their man), or by different political views
dont overdo the surgery btw, body dysmorphia can warp your expectations and standards

its hard

sometimes you gotta put down the phone

be healthy

try softmaxxing fully

try to have a more positive outlook and focus on enjoying your life
it would be sad if you spent your life worrying and being upset about your looks
Everyday I find new flaws in myself and it’s like gosh I couldn’t get uglier but then I do. I know this is a forum for incels or something but like being a girl is acc so hard, because the standards of beauty r raised soo high esp in this generation. Growing up as a girl, u notice it, the pretty girl gets more friends, more attention js for being pretty. Idk why it’s so hard for me to make new girlfriends, Ik it’s not my personality cuz that’s the one thing that makes people stay. I feel like I’d never reach the point where I can say “Ik someone who’d pick me in a crowd”. Whenever I meet a guy n he sees my friends, his eyes will always wander off to my friends n I’m not jelaous it js feels shitty not being someone’s “prize”. Idk if I’m the duff friend (minus the fat part) but I know I can say that all my exes were having it for my friends. I’m becoming more and more insecure and i feel like it’s over for me. I don’t even care about male validation I just wnat to look at the mirror without thinking of what procedures I’ll get done once I graduate
What’s your rating out of 10? If a woman doesn’t get a man, it’s usually not about looks but behavior and lack of knowledge on how to pull him. I’ve seen it many times, an attractive woman getting passed over for someone less attractive but more outgoing and who knows how to draw a man in.
i understand this so much it sucks tremendously being the ‘ugly friend’, i find myself avoiding my reflection at all costs partly because of it. i hope you become more confident in yourself though :peepoLove:
I am the ugly friend, i havent had a guy come up to me unless he is slurring his words and thats once a year usually if im wearing hyper feminine outfits if my friends drag me 2 a bar. i am extremely strange i scare off even the ugly guys if they can come close enough with my personality, i understand what its like. I am so hyper aware of myself, and perceptions too much to ever live happily, but dumb enough to not know how to fix it. Ive been the ugly girl for so long ive had to rely on my personality only. At a point u have to accept defeat, its fine tho cause youll lose the need to impress anyone and become somehow better

but if ur young and wanting validation mask to be normal, hyperfeminine clothing, make sure you soft personality max, enough to reel someone in, but not too much to scare them off

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