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Rate me + advice please

Edited pics still bad btw
-50mm lens or back camera of phone
-one arm distance
-eyes at the height of camera
-do not tilt head or move it
-stare at the camera
For side profiles you do the same but rotating 90 degrees and not doing the stare at camera part
In these photos you look more like a solid htb but I'm starting to suspect some frauding
U look like an htb. Your only flaws are wide set eyes and maybe forehead a Lil bit bigger, you can cover that Lil bit with another hairstyle. I don't know why you are sucking your cheeks and pouting but it doesn't affect too much to the rating, I can see you don't have hollowcheeks tho it doesn't looks bad on your face. I also can see your lips are good but I don't know how much because of pouting and lipstick. Nose is good, jaw is good, cheekbones are good, your face is overall femenine with some slight masculine traits that suit good (eyebrows and chin).
wide set eyes are not fixable but if you get a hairstile that covers a little the forehead you could be stacylite but never stacy because of the wide set eyes. If you are insecure about cheeks you could try to debloat but I don't think hollowcheeks are very important because of your femenine face + already have 2 good masculine Traits for that androgynous appeal.
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  • #7
U look like an htb. Your only flaws are wide set eyes and maybe forehead a Lil bit bigger, you can cover that Lil bit with another hairstyle. I don't know why you are sucking your cheeks and pouting but it doesn't affect too much to the rating, I can see you don't have hollowcheeks tho it doesn't looks bad on your face. I also can see your lips are good but I don't know how much because of pouting and lipstick. Nose is good, jaw is good, cheekbones are good, your face is overall femenine with some slight masculine traits that suit good (eyebrows and chin).
wide set eyes are not fixable but if you get a hairstile that covers a little the forehead you could be stacylite but never stacy because of the wide set eyes. If you are insecure about cheeks you could try to debloat but I don't think hollowcheeks are very important because of your femenine face + already have 2 good masculine Traits for that androgynous appeal.

U look like an htb. Your only flaws are wide set eyes and maybe forehead a Lil bit bigger, you can cover that Lil bit with another hairstyle. I don't know why you are sucking your cheeks and pouting but it doesn't affect too much to the rating, I can see you don't have hollowcheeks tho it doesn't looks bad on your face. I also can see your lips are good but I don't know how much because of pouting and lipstick. Nose is good, jaw is good, cheekbones are good, your face is overall femenine with some slight masculine traits that suit good (eyebrows and chin).
wide set eyes are not fixable but if you get a hairstile that covers a little the forehead you could be stacylite but never stacy because of the wide set eyes. If you are insecure about cheeks you could try to debloat but I don't think hollowcheeks are very important because of your femenine face + already have 2 good masculine Traits for that androgynous appeal.
Thank you for the advice, don’t know what htb or the Stacey comment meant but the rest appreciate it.
Thank you for the advice, don’t know what htb or the Stacey comment meant but the rest appreciate it.
Rate ranks.
Basically you are a 7,5 (high htb) and you could be a 8 (stacylite) but probably never an 9 (stacy)
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  • #9
ohh never would of guessed that’s what it meant but makes sense thanks for the honesty:))
7.5 would be stacylite.
I do my own ranks bud 🤪
Seriously blackpill ranks are shit for me. I understand no one can be a 10 nor a 9 but honestly having 2 numbers for nothing makes harder to rate and also the decimals take too much importance. Also she's a normie so it's better to tell her in a normal scale
I do my own ranks bud 🤪
Seriously blackpill ranas are shit for me. I understand no one can be a 10 nor a 9 but honestly having 2 numbers for nothing makes harder to rate and also the decimals take too much importance. Also she's a normie so it's better to tell her in a normal scale
The way I rank is pretty objective
0: Impossibe
1: major birth defects, burn victim, survived a shark attack
2: slightly better off than 1, but ugly af
3: major flaws, usually obese, but pass as human
4: ltn; unattractive, but common
5: Dead on average; nothing appealing, nothing noticeably bad.
6: htn; above average, some noticeable attractive features
7: chadlite; quite good looking the "irl chads"
8: Chad; models, rare, VERY attractive with rare harmony
9: PSL gods; as close as human perfection as physically possible; almost 0 flaws
10: impossible
The way I rank is pretty objective
0: Impossibe
1: major birth defects, burn victim, survived a shark attack
2: slightly better off than 1, but ugly af
3: major flaws, usually obese, but pass as human
4: ltn; unattractive, but common
5: Dead on average; nothing appealing, nothing noticeably bad.
6: htn; above average, some noticeable attractive features
7: chadlite; quite good looking the "irl chads"
8: Chad; models, rare, VERY attractive with rare harmony
9: PSL gods; as close as human perfection as physically possible; almost 0 flaws
10: impossible
I rather have a range of 5-6 to mtns that are the most commons and the rest moves, so 10 would be used too. Yours It's a good ranking tho
I rather have a range of 5-6 to mtns that are the most commons and the rest moves, so 10 would be used too. Yours It's a good ranking tho
Fair, but to me, 10 is objective mathematical and proportional perfection by every metric, which no human has ever and will ever exemplify.
