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Rate my kid's tantrum.

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  • #9
ur wife will hate u bro
become normal
Nah man, she just gets a little bit agitated with my antics. That's my nature though and she knows it very well. What women really hate in a man is when he tries to mask or change his nature in order to be more liked by her. When he becomes more domesticated. Even if she asks him to. Women don't know what they really want in that regard.

A man who's willing to betray himself for anyone or anything is very unattractive. I'm not normal. Trying to become normal would only make me look like a chump in the long run.
Nah man, she just gets a little bit agitated with my antics. That's my nature though and she knows it very well. What women really hate in a man is when he tries to mask or change his nature in order to be more liked by her. When he becomes more domesticated. Even if she asks him to. Women don't know what they really want in that regard.

A man who's willing to betray himself for anyone or anything is very unattractive. I'm not normal. Trying to become normal would only make me look like a chump in the long run.
if i had a wife and she was angry like that i would either be scared or full of rage
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  • #12
if i had a wife and she was angry like that i would either be scared or full of rage
Don't ever be scared. She should be scared of your anger if anything. And getting mad about her anger might be appropriate, but not all the time. Women tend to be a lot more emotional than men. In this instance it was appropriate. She was just irritated with dealing with the baby all day.
Nah man, she just gets a little bit agitated with my antics. That's my nature though and she knows it very well. What women really hate in a man is when he tries to mask or change his nature in order to be more liked by her. When he becomes more domesticated. Even if she asks him to. Women don't know what they really want in that regard.

A man who's willing to betray himself for anyone or anything is very unattractive. I'm not normal. Trying to become normal would only make me look like a chump in the long run.
Nice to hear about your experience
Nah man, she just gets a little bit agitated with my antics. That's my nature though and she knows it very well. What women really hate in a man is when he tries to mask or change his nature in order to be more liked by her. When he becomes more domesticated. Even if she asks him to. Women don't know what they really want in that regard.

A man who's willing to betray himself for anyone or anything is very unattractive. I'm not normal. Trying to become normal would only make me look like a chump in the long run.
still don't take anyone for granted
sometimes lightning strikes people's minds and they suddenly change
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  • #16
still don't take anyone for granted
sometimes lightning strikes people's minds and they suddenly change
Look man, whatever can be broken must be broken. I'm never gonna change who I am and start living a lie in order to stave off losing someone.
He'll be 3 at the end of the month.

Did you geomax or are you just someone who travels a lot. Do you plan on staying in Asia or moving more west? I don’t think you should be uploading these vids though
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  • #18
Did you geomax or are you just someone who travels a lot. Do you plan on staying in Asia or moving more west? I don’t think you should be uploading these vids though
Never geomaxxed. In 2011 I was so ready to get out of America I threw out emails for jobs in Asia, South America, and Eastern Europe. China bit first so that's where I ended up going. Ended up staying for 10 years. It was about 6 years of living there before I met my wife. Also dated and slept with a lot of white girls, and two black girls as well, both in Asia (large expat bubbles exist there too) and back in the US before getting married.

I never moved abroad for women. I just can't stand the lifestyle in the West. It's stifling. Too many rules. We've been back here now for a little more than than three years fulfilling my wife's residence requirement for acquiring her citizenship. As soon as she gets it we're going back abroad. Won't be much longer now.
Never geomaxxed. In 2011 I was so ready to get out of America I threw out emails for jobs in Asia, South America, and Eastern Europe. China bit first so that's where I ended up going. Ended up staying for 10 years. It was about 6 years of living there before I met my wife. Also dated and slept with a lot of white girls, and two black girls as well, both in Asia (large expat bubbles exist there too) and back in the US before getting married.

I never moved abroad for women. I just can't stand the lifestyle in the West. It's stifling. Too many rules. We've been back here now for a little more than than three years fulfilling my wife's residence requirement for acquiring her citizenship. As soon as she gets it we're going back abroad. Won't be much longer now.
Oh that’s nice, I’m just wondering why you spend your time on these forums, you seem to have quite a fulfilling life and be a relatively good person, is this just some sort of side hobby for you
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  • #20
Oh that’s nice, I’m just wondering why you spend your time on these forums, you seem to have quite a fulfilling life and be a relatively good person, is this just some sort of side hobby for you
I got addicted to .org when I was stuck in China in 2021, waiting for my wife's greencard petition to be approved. Recently I'd been arrested for teaching illegally but my boss was able to negotiate a bribe in order for me to be released and not get deported, so that I could finish out my contract at his school. After the contract was finished I stopped teaching and laid low in my wife's village for the next six months. Didn't want to risk it and be split up from her. China had began really cracking down on illegal teachers/training centers.


We took care of a dog breeding kennel run by my brother in law out of my father in law's backyard but other than that there wasn't much to do to pass the days while waiting on a decision from the embassy. Most English based websites are blocked over there but curiously enough .org wasn't. Can't exactly remember how I found my way over there but once I did I got hooked.

Basically I'm still doing the same thing three years later. The only thing difference is we're living in America. I work three days a week and my wife's a full time stay at home mother. We're just passing the time till we get a decision from the authorities so that we can go ahead and move back to Asia.

Sometimes I troll but a lot of times I try to help people. I've got a lot of life experience in many different areas, along with a real gift for understanding things about people as well as their intentions. It's unfortunate that many young folks on these forums believe that looks have so much power to cap their potential. They certainly can, but they don't have to. And I know as much because I have seen enough of life to know the difference. Even with the world having become so much more superficial than it was a mere 15 years ago a regular person can use the current state of things/dating to their advantage.
I got addicted to .org when I was stuck in China in 2021, waiting for my wife's greencard petition to be approved. Recently I'd been arrested for teaching illegally but my boss was able to negotiate a bribe in order for me to be released and not get deported, so that I could finish out my contract at his school. After the contract was finished I stopped teaching and laid low in my wife's village for the next six months. Didn't want to risk it and be split up from her. China had began really cracking down on illegal teachers/training centers.

View attachment 35837View attachment 35838

We took care of a dog breeding kennel run by my brother in law out of my father in law's backyard but other than that there wasn't much to do to pass the days while waiting on a decision from the embassy. Most English based websites are blocked over there but curiously enough .org wasn't. Can't exactly remember how I found my way over there but once I did I got hooked.

Basically I'm still doing the same thing three years later. The only thing difference is we're living in America. I work three days a week and my wife's a full time stay at home mother. We're just passing the time till we get a decision from the authorities so that we can go ahead and move back to Asia.

Sometimes I troll but a lot of times I try to help people. I've got a lot of life experience in many different areas, along with a real gift for understanding things about people as well as their intentions. It's unfortunate that many young folks on these forums believe that looks have so much power to cap their potential. They certainly can, but they don't have to. And I know as much because I have seen enough of life to know the difference. Even with the world having become so much more superficial than it was a mere 15 years ago a regular person can use the current state of things/dating to their advantage.
You should’ve made a thread like this
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