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Rate my Russian. (Русский язык)

why did you skip 6 😥
your accent is very funny
ya gavaru paruski* not not ya gavariti
not ya 36 let, but mne 36 let
ya tozhe gavaru kitayski, not mne tozhe

rest of what you said is very true and good 🥺
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #11
You have accent lol. You can speak Chinese too?
Lol, thanks. I was trying to sound as American as I can on purpose. I speak Chinese cause I lived there about 10 years.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #12
why did you skip 6 😥
your accent is very funny
ya gavaru paruski* not not ya gavariti
not ya 36 let, but mne 36 let
ya tozhe gavaru kitayski, not mne tozhe

rest of what you said is very true and good 🥺
Thanks, yeah I just forgot. Eto oshibka. Russian grammar is so difficult to piece together. Hopefully I can spend a few years is Russia to straighten things out.
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