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Rage RATING:CHATS This chick i was texting basically said jordan Barrett gets mogged by Mads Mikkelsen


Mar 30, 2024
( heres an ai simplified version of what i just typed)I was surprised by this situation because in the previous thread, she appeared to be very interested in Richard Ramirez, so I assumed she would also like Jordan. However, she rated Jordan as 1/10, which I find hard to believe. IMG_3572.jpegIMG_3573.jpegIt doesn't make sense because when given the choice between someone like Jordan and someone less attractive, a woman will always choose the more attractive option.IMG_3577.jpeg


  • IMG_3568.jpeg
    141 KB · Views: 59
Mads Mikkelsen is more attractive to me
View attachment 32534View attachment 32535
( heres an ai simplified version of what i just typed)I was surprised by this situation because in the previous thread, she appeared to be very interested in Richard Ramirez, so I assumed she would also like Jordan. However, she rated Jordan as 1/10, which I find hard to believe. View attachment 32536View attachment 32537It doesn't make sense because when given the choice between someone like Jordan and someone less attractive, a woman will always choose the more attractive option.View attachment 32538
Jordan simply has low female appeal, example Chico mogs Jordan when it comes to the female gaze. I guarantee you that if asked almost all women would say that Chico is way more attractive, however scientifically Jordan mogs in almost every category the reason you feel jordan is more attractive is because your looking through the eyes of male gaze. The girl is clearly looking at Jordan from a female gaze, which Jordan doesn't really appeal to especially since he's borderline an alien
i dont understand why you guys get bothered by womens tastes so much, most of the models that are idolized by looksmaxxers are not super appealing to a lot of women
if she doesnt like him then why are you trying to change her mind? she likes what she likes and its the same vice versa for men and their preferences in women
jordan barret is objectively attractive but does not appeal much to me or anyone i know, his face is strangely wide and he looks like a skeleton nowadays, also major fuck boy vibes coming off from him
jordan barret is objectively attractive but does not appeal much to me or anyone i know, his face is strangely wide and he looks like a skeleton nowadays, also major f**k boy vibes coming off from him
What about Atesh Salih

prefer him in his prime but he still looks good now
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