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Rating every IOI I got from women


Active member
Aug 9, 2024
Inspired by @crazymonkey

Don’t have many but yeah

10/10 - Last year LTB girl was literally in love with me and texted me everyday wishing me luck on exams and begging me to sit next to her. Also constantly stared and laughed at everything I said(its obvious when a girl likes you) She was nice but i am too non-nt and high inhibition to try

8/10 - Was at another school with my friend and two black girls were watching us walk by and they said “He’s fine” talking about me. I know it was me because I was completely obstructing my friend from view. It literally doesn’t make any sense because I’ve never gotten ioi from black girls but it happened. I was dripmaxxed in all black and jordans and also had the best haircut of my life. Was also very confident walking that day for some reason. Would be higher but I can’t be 100% sure they were talking about me

6/10 - Was in club with friend and two girls were staring at us and were actually receptive when we came over. I sold the two man by being quiet asf jfl… I said nothing and let my friend carry the conversation. He was mostly talking to the ugly one while I got the better looking one even though he mogs me. The ugly one eventually dragged the better looking one away from us and left the club…
my girl seemed like she wanted to stay tho

4/10 - This one is probably in the delusions of my head but if it’s true it goes completely against blackpill… Was at party and this Stacylite east European girl started talking out loud but it was directed at me. At first I ignored the statement but I knew that was when she wanted me to talk to her because she was kind of lingering around me. I eventually asked her to repeat what she said and we talked for a bit

After she brought me outside to dance with her friends(I can’t dance btw) and I asked her name and stuff. I’m way too fucking awkward and couldn’t keep the convo going so after dancing weirdly I started to my friend that was outside for like 20 mins. I also talked to some other girls that were outside but that was way easier because I wasn’t nervous talking to them…meanwhile she’s just dancing and watching me fumble(potentially)

She was laughing at all my jokes which is crazy as well which is a good sign
At the end I fucking fist bumped her and told her to follow me on instagram- which she kind of laughed at and left
Nah these are godly IOIs. I dont even know If I ever got an IOI
Inspired by @crazymonkey

Don’t have many but yeah

10/10 - Last year LTB girl was literally in love with me and texted me everyday wishing me luck on exams and begging me to sit next to her. Also constantly stared and laughed at everything I said(its obvious when a girl likes you) She was nice but i am too non-nt and high inhibition to try

8/10 - Was at another school with my friend and two black girls were watching us walk by and they said “He’s fine” talking about me. I know it was me because I was completely obstructing my friend from view. It literally doesn’t make any sense because I’ve never gotten ioi from black girls but it happened. I was dripmaxxed in all black and jordans and also had the best haircut of my life. Was also very confident walking that day for some reason. Would be higher but I can’t be 100% sure they were talking about me

6/10 - Was in club with friend and two girls were staring at us and were actually receptive when we came over. I sold the two man by being quiet asf jfl… I said nothing and let my friend carry the conversation. He was mostly talking to the ugly one while I got the better looking one even though he mogs me. The ugly one eventually dragged the better looking one away from us and left the club…
my girl seemed like she wanted to stay tho

4/10 - This one is probably in the delusions of my head but if it’s true it goes completely against blackpill… Was at party and this Stacylite east European girl started talking out loud but it was directed at me. At first I ignored the statement but I knew that was when she wanted me to talk to her because she was kind of lingering around me. I eventually asked her to repeat what she said and we talked for a bit

After she brought me outside to dance with her friends(I can’t dance btw) and I asked her name and stuff. I’m way too fucking awkward and couldn’t keep the convo going so after dancing weirdly I started to my friend that was outside for like 20 mins. I also talked to some other girls that were outside but that was way easier because I wasn’t nervous talking to them…meanwhile she’s just dancing and watching me fumble(potentially)

She was laughing at all my jokes which is crazy as well which is a good sign
At the end I fucking fist bumped her and told her to follow me on instagram- which she kind of laughed at and left
woah chad😲

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