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Info RayPeat dieta works for girls

Btw for those who do not understand what makes a girl have that physiognomy?

Well, it is a hormonal issue, high levels of progesterone and low levels of stress in general such as cortisol, estrogens, inflammation, etcetera.
Peat mog but goatis mog
Peat mog but goatis mog
Yesterday I watched the documentary that Goatis made about the black pill and a lot of questions came up (I'm going to make a thread about it).

at the end of the video he shows how a lot of guys changed their appearance by eating raw meat.

what was interesting to me was to see how some people around me were well developed and never ate a piece of raw or straight raw meat in their lives jfl
what was interesting to me was to see how some people around me were well developed and never ate a piece of raw or straight raw meat in their lives jfl
A lot of it is due to genotype, RiRa ate like shit and developed to chad.