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Info Reasons why ugly / average looking guys getting a pretty gf is nothing to be jealous of


Chanel ceo
Apr 8, 2024
Mom's basement
1. It doesn't happen as often as you might believe.
People freak out at the sight of a non chad guy dating a Stacy because such mismatched couples are not the norm. To get a gl girlfriend as an average Joe, you need to be extremely lucky.

2. You don't know how he managed to get her.
Empirically speaking, a non chad guy has to, outliers excluded, put in huge amounts of extra works, including but not limited to simping, jestermaxxing, betabuxxing, being an emotional tampon etc, to get a hot gf. And that's humiliating to any male whose T level is above average.

3. You don't know what's happening behind closed doors.
Stories / anecdotes about non chad guys being cheated, used, having sexless relationships are never a rarity.

4. In modern days a gl female will always be aware of the power of her pussy.
Even if she somehow fell in love with a non chad guy due to him clownmaxxing or her having issues, social media and her friends will constantly remind her that "she can do better". And she will.

5. A non chad guy has little to no power in the relationship.
Because without the required looks level he has no leverage. If she leaves him one day, which is highly likely to happen, he'll be devastated.

6. As a non chad guy you can get into a relationship with pretty girls.
But never forget to looksmax since good looks will benefit you in all aspects of life, on top of dating.

7. You might not attain the level of Chad's aesthetics in the end.
But the more psl points you gain, the more your partner will respect you, the more options you'll have hence the less you'll be attached to her alone.
Nah cause you have to go outside

Sure looks matter but women are overly emotional they will also focus on the social/personality aspect.

A girl can take a 7 instead of a 9 simply because the 7 is her neighbor since childhood and the 9 is some awkward guy who is not her type exactly.
You are right
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  • #6
Nah cause you have to go outside

Sure looks matter but women are overly emotional they will also focus on the social/personality aspect.

A girl can take a 7 instead of a 9 simply because the 7 is her neighbor since childhood and the 9 is some awkward guy who is not her type exactly.
Personality doesen't matter as long as you're not physically abusive. The only personality wich matters is being nt. But since neurodivergent (non-nt) is a mental illness, not a personality trait i can say personality barely matters.
Personality doesen't matter as long as you're not physically abusive. The only personality wich matters is being nt. But since neurodivergent (non-nt) is a mental illness, not a personality trait i can say personality barely matters.
You're wrong.

Girls like dark-triad mysterious guys this is not arguable, sometimes it's what carries a relationship, NT is cope.

I've had girls say not change the way they talk to me after showing me my pics on social media.
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  • #8
You're wrong.

Girls like dark-triad mysterious guys this is not arguable, sometimes it's what carries a relationship,
Bullies and Dark Triad guys have more sex, but is just because of Physical Dominance and attractive faces, inded. But what I meant by abusing, is being abusing in a relationship.
No woman enjoys getting beaten up on a daily base, unless they are masochists.

NT is cope.
Previously you claimed that basically personality and nt matters.
A girl can take a 7 instead of a 9 simply because the 7 is her neighbor since childhood and the 9 is some awkward guy who is not her type exactly.
Beacuse when you said "awkward guy" you basically meant NT
Suddenly you're talking against yourself.
Bullies and Dark Triad guys have more sex, but is just because of Physical Dominance and attractive faces, inded. But what I meant by abusing, is being abusing in a relationship.
No woman enjoys getting beaten up on a daily base, unless they are masochists.

Previously you claimed that basically personality and nt matters.

Beacuse when you said "awkward guy" you basically meant NT
Suddenly you're talking against yourself.
Personality matters =/= NT matters

awkward guy doesn't mean NT, means not her type. Women are into non-nt
This feels like a cry for help, inventing excuses in your head to stay happy. If you don't know why they are together you just don't know. Blackpill is not a unquestionable truth, is a general rule, that mostos will apply to you Unless something happens. That something can be a girl wanting to manipulate someone ugluer than her, a girl full of insecurities, or just a girl who doesn't care about looks. You can't know and inventing things to fit everything into blackpill is no sense.
This feels like a cry for help, inventing excuses in your head to stay happy. If you don't know why they are together you just don't know. Blackpill is not a unquestionable truth, is a general rule, that mostos will apply to you Unless something happens. That something can be a girl wanting to manipulate someone ugluer than her, a girl full of insecurities, or just a girl who doesn't care about looks. You can't know and inventing things to fit everything into blackpill is no sense.
Truth nuke tbh
1. It doesn't happen as often as you might believe.
People freak out at the sight of a non chad guy dating a Stacy because such mismatched couples are not the norm. To get a gl girlfriend as an average Joe, you need to be extremely lucky.

2. You don't know how he managed to get her.
Empirically speaking, a non chad guy has to, outliers excluded, put in huge amounts of extra works, including but not limited to simping, jestermaxxing, betabuxxing, being an emotional tampon etc, to get a hot gf. And that's humiliating to any male whose T level is above average.

3. You don't know what's happening behind closed doors.
Stories / anecdotes about non chad guys being cheated, used, having sexless relationships are never a rarity.

4. In modern days a gl female will always be aware of the power of her pussy.
Even if she somehow fell in love with a non chad guy due to him clownmaxxing or her having issues, social media and her friends will constantly remind her that "she can do better". And she will.

5. A non chad guy has little to no power in the relationship.
Because without the required looks level he has no leverage. If she leaves him one day, which is highly likely to happen, he'll be devastated.

6. As a non chad guy you can get into a relationship with pretty girls.
But never forget to looksmax since good looks will benefit you in all aspects of life, on top of dating.

7. You might not attain the level of Chad's aesthetics in the end.
But the more psl points you gain, the more your partner will respect you, the more options you'll have hence the less you'll be attached to her alone.
And now a Chad with some becky
