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Recommend brands of socks and underwear that don't fall apart in 6 months?

I buy new underwear every month or two

You can do the same too if you want
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  • #13
Long-Intense Cardio is ruining your body
I'm training for wildland firefighting, which is basically uphill walking for 16 to 48 hours at a time with 80 lbs of shit... plus basic landscaping. I need to get my resting heart rate below 45 if I want to do this long term.

This is also physical therapy for some sort of tear in my left ankle that limits mobility in that calve and prevents running more than 5 miles or so at a time. I've gained about 5 degrees of additional movement in that ankle in the past year. I can't squat or deadlift due to the lack of ankle flexibility and other injuries which prevent loading my shoulders.

I have tears in one shoulder, my neck, and my back. I'm going to restart strength training tomorrow or the day after, actually.

I don't think I'll be ready by the time wildfire season rolls around next year, I'll probably be at 7 hours of LISS cardio a week by then when I should be at 11 if I want my resting heart rate to be below 45. I'm progressing too slowly but this is as fast as I can go without getting exhausted. The perils of being in your late 30s.

I plan to start seriously looking for suppliers for HCG, aromasin, and TD500 in January to see if I can heal my injuries and speed my progress through chemical means.
