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Discussion rejection stories


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2024
hey i just wanted to see if anyone wanted to share some embarrassing rejection stories from their past, ill go first! :) (pretty embarrassing)

last year i started working at this movie theater and got a crush on one of my coworkers, we both had an interest in reading manga and watching anime and we’d talk pretty often about that stuff. eventually i worked up the courage to ask if he wanted to watch the new barbie movie that came out from last year since he had kept repeating that he had no one to watch it with. we went to go watch it together and i thought it went pretty well, after that i would try to text him often bc i thought maybe he had an interest in me. overtime (literally like 3 days) he got drier and just stopped responding all together☠️☠️, left me on delivered. now here’s where the story gets embarrassing… my friend wanted to know what he looked like and i thought id sneak a picture of him to show her (what a mistake that was), i made like little jokes about how we were gonna get married someday and stuff. one day she posted a screenshot of me talking that way about him to her spam account on instagram because she thought it was funny, completely forgetting the fact one of his best friends was on her account. his friend ended up showing him and he ended up being scared of me and referring to me as desperate. ☠️☠️ honestly, kind of funny to look back at but at the time my life felt like it was OVER. (i continued working with him after that and he did NOT speak to me again, i attached a photo of me being left on delivered).


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I got rejected by a girl named Mercedes she was the popular Latina in school she seem uninterested in everyone except this guy named roman I tired to ask her out she went out with me for a day before she left me the very next day for roman it was brutal
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  • #5
I got rejected by a girl named Mercedes she was the popular Latina in school she seem uninterested in everyone except this guy named roman I tired to ask her out she went out with me for a day before she left me the very next day for roman it was brutal
hey i just wanted to see if anyone wanted to share some embarrassing rejection stories from their past, ill go first! :) (pretty embarrassing)

last year i started working at this movie theater and got a crush on one of my coworkers, we both had an interest in reading manga and watching anime and we’d talk pretty often about that stuff. eventually i worked up the courage to ask if he wanted to watch the new barbie movie that came out from last year since he had kept repeating that he had no one to watch it with. we went to go watch it together and i thought it went pretty well, after that i would try to text him often bc i thought maybe he had an interest in me. overtime (literally like 3 days) he got drier and just stopped responding all together☠️☠️, left me on delivered. now here’s where the story gets embarrassing… my friend wanted to know what he looked like and i thought id sneak a picture of him to show her (what a mistake that was), i made like little jokes about how we were gonna get married someday and stuff. one day she posted a screenshot of me talking that way about him to her spam account on instagram because she thought it was funny, completely forgetting the fact one of his best friends was on her account. his friend ended up showing him and he ended up being scared of me and referring to me as desperate. ☠️☠️ honestly, kind of funny to look back at but at the time my life felt like it was OVER. (i continued working with him after that and he did NOT speak to me again, i attached a photo of me being left on delivered).
what was his looks level and race
hey i just wanted to see if anyone wanted to share some embarrassing rejection stories from their past, ill go first! :) (pretty embarrassing)

last year i started working at this movie theater and got a crush on one of my coworkers, we both had an interest in reading manga and watching anime and we’d talk pretty often about that stuff. eventually i worked up the courage to ask if he wanted to watch the new barbie movie that came out from last year since he had kept repeating that he had no one to watch it with. we went to go watch it together and i thought it went pretty well, after that i would try to text him often bc i thought maybe he had an interest in me. overtime (literally like 3 days) he got drier and just stopped responding all together☠️☠️, left me on delivered. now here’s where the story gets embarrassing… my friend wanted to know what he looked like and i thought id sneak a picture of him to show her (what a mistake that was), i made like little jokes about how we were gonna get married someday and stuff. one day she posted a screenshot of me talking that way about him to her spam account on instagram because she thought it was funny, completely forgetting the fact one of his best friends was on her account. his friend ended up showing him and he ended up being scared of me and referring to me as desperate. ☠️☠️ honestly, kind of funny to look back at but at the time my life felt like it was OVER. (i continued working with him after that and he did NOT speak to me again, i attached a photo of me being left on delivered).
This is something I would never wish on my worst enemy 😭 My stomach started to hurt after reading this. I hope that one day he will realize that he fumbled someone rlly cool
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  • #9
This is something I would never wish on my worst enemy 😭 My stomach started to hurt after reading this. I hope that one day he will realize that he fumbled someone rlly cool
it was easily one of the most embarrassing moments but it’s so funny now, i laugh about it with my friend everytime it gets brought up LOL😭
hey i just wanted to see if anyone wanted to share some embarrassing rejection stories from their past, ill go first! :) (pretty embarrassing)

last year i started working at this movie theater and got a crush on one of my coworkers, we both had an interest in reading manga and watching anime and we’d talk pretty often about that stuff. eventually i worked up the courage to ask if he wanted to watch the new barbie movie that came out from last year since he had kept repeating that he had no one to watch it with. we went to go watch it together and i thought it went pretty well, after that i would try to text him often bc i thought maybe he had an interest in me. overtime (literally like 3 days) he got drier and just stopped responding all together☠️☠️, left me on delivered. now here’s where the story gets embarrassing… my friend wanted to know what he looked like and i thought id sneak a picture of him to show her (what a mistake that was), i made like little jokes about how we were gonna get married someday and stuff. one day she posted a screenshot of me talking that way about him to her spam account on instagram because she thought it was funny, completely forgetting the fact one of his best friends was on her account. his friend ended up showing him and he ended up being scared of me and referring to me as desperate. ☠️☠️ honestly, kind of funny to look back at but at the time my life felt like it was OVER. (i continued working with him after that and he did NOT speak to me again, i attached a photo of me being left on delivered).
Didn't know females get rejected too
Low t guy btw