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Oct 27, 2023
when was the last relationship you guys had/ are u still in
mine was about 6 months ago since then ive been focussing mostly on myself with the maxxing
i rejected all the bitches asking me out, i like only her ngl (i will prob ask her out)
i dont do relationships
i never give girls commitment
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  • #8
damn bro pulls
im also thinking of getting back in the field just got done with my exams and now im in 12th
althought the problem is its hard to find girl of my type aka with an actual personality
damn bro pulls
im also thinking of getting back in the field just got done with my exams and now im in 12th
althought the problem is its hard to find girl of my type aka with an actual personality
Jee or Neet? Btw you're an htn in India at least you'll get all kinds of girls dw
althought the problem is its hard to find girl of my type aka with an actual personality
lol thats hard, i just want her to have a feminine personality, nothing more.
if i can get the benefits of a relationship without committing or being in an actual relationship , why not
i do this because i can
do you intend to get a serious relationship anytime soon?
i was talking to this half asian girl who texted me first but i fumbled it so hard

that was my first time even talking and now my status at school is ruined
if i can get the benefits of a relationship without committing or being in an actual relationship , why not
i do this because i can

But you will end up in a serious relationship at a point in your life right? Well casual dating is not good for that, studies show that casual dating can impair a person's ability to bond with their SO
you sure he's not autistic or something?
idk tbh he had HUGE nct like his prey eyes literally slope downwards... maybe his parents were cousins... uneven facial thirds, short ramus, patchy facial hair, under eye bags, deviated septum, thin neck and lips, dodged a major bullet lol.

it was over for him before it started, even someone like me could mog easily so that's why im confused abt being rejected ????? i don't even want the guy anymore cause personality carried tbh.

found a better option but this one still needs to gymmaxx, it's a work in progress 😖
idk tbh he had HUGE nct like his prey eyes literally slope downwards... maybe his parents were cousins... uneven facial thirds, short ramus, patchy facial hair, under eye bags, deviated septum, thin neck and lips, dodged a major bullet lol.

it was over for him before it started, even someone like me could mog easily so that's why im confused abt being rejected ????? i don't even want the guy anymore cause personality carried tbh.

found a better option but this one still needs to gymmaxx, it's a work in progress 😖
you seem as if you don't gotta lot of options lol. Btw I understand your criticism of their features because you want to carry only the best genes for your future offspring, but it wouldn't hurt to think of them as a person ykwim? Find a guy who you can and who can love you rather than just finding a genetic phenotype, look for good genetics as well as personality/love etc
you seem as if you don't gotta lot of options lol. Btw I understand your criticism of their features because you want to carry only the best genes for your future offspring, but it wouldn't hurt to think of them as a person ykwim? Find a guy who you can and who can love you rather than just finding a genetic phenotype, look for good genetics as well as personality/love etc
oh 100% but his personality SUCKED too ("women stay in kitchen and have babies, I love andrew tate and I am a god"). the one now is a million times nicer

I don't have many options because of religious beliefs and cultural values, I'm Polish-Georgian and chivalry/chastity is dead in English speaking countries.

hypergamy is hard for me bc I already come from a well off family and I'm smart (engineering student)
oh 100% but his personality SUCKED too ("women stay in kitchen and have babies, I love andrew tate and I am a god"). the one now is a million times nicer
Istg these Andrew tate fanboy faggots have 0 personality other than constantly licking his balls
I don't have many options because of religious beliefs and cultural values
How's that possible tho I don't understand

hypergamy is hard for me bc I already come from a well off family and I'm smart (engineering student)
Hypergamy is always a possibility, go for it

Chivalry/chastity is dead in English speaking countries.
One can argue that women killed chivalry there
like 8 months ago, he was insanely controlling, he wanted to change me completely and make me into basically a niqabi who doesnt work or leave the house, got mad at me for showing my neck, wearing makeup, BREATHING in front of men
i realized too late into it that he was this type of person because he was very good at hiding it and sugarcoating everything to make it sound like he was open minded and accepting, if you come across him you would think he was but he was in reality an andrew tate lover, literally admitted to trying to change me after the relationship ended. whenever i would try to leave or anything close to that happened, for example id speak to my CLASSMATE, he'd be like, "im NAUSEOUS, im gonna throw up" so i didnt have the heart to leave. i told him one day that we have different beliefs and its not gonna work out so HE suggested that we try to compromise, but later on he said that if he was trying to change me, i should have left? i didnt even KNOW that he was trying to change me, the fuck? he was so nice about it, and he was very loving and noticed every small little thing about me which was nice and i applaud him for that but it also got suffocating, this man tracked the direction i fucking walked in and got jealous when i made a joke to his own goddamn friend, all hell broke loose and he dragged that shit to the ends of the earth. one time a 6'1 popular dude in our class asked me how my exam went, and my ex was there, he was being all nice to him but later on he sent me 10 messages in a row saying he wanted to beat him, shave his head, blah blah blah even tho my ex said he doesnt mind if guys talk to me about school. he basically said that i shouldnt talk to any other guy besides him out of what is necessary. and to give him credit he literally ignored girls who said HI to him, for me, but I DIDNT KNOW HE DID THAT? he didnt tell me, my friends mentioned it that he ignores them when he says hi, and later i found out it was because of me.
also we are both med students but im a year ahead of him, he told me he wants me to not work and get this- he said i should only treat female patients in the future. in what fucking world is that possible? my god he was so insecure. theres way too much to get into, i admit that i was not as invested in the relationship as him, and that hurt his feelings, so it built up all inside him until one day he exploded and called me a gaslighter, abuser, and diagnosed me and my friend with narcissistic personality disorder LMFAOOOOOOOO so yea im the villain to him and im a terrible fucking person in his mind because i wouldnt become a housewife for him (my dad did not drop thousands of dollars on med school tuition for me to sit at home and do nothing) and i didnt spend every waking second of my life texting him, i was just not obsessed like he was and that made him think i was a narcissist. i am his first love so maybe that contributed to his obsession. i was obsessed with my first love too. i also tolerated his face for his personality and this was his personality... i would probe him on his opinions to see if we would work out, turns out he was hiding that he basically admires some extreme groups im not gonna get too much into it but yea that was enough to make me stop dating i unironically want an arranged marriage now. before this i was in two other relationships but this was almost the worst :p
first person i liked was a blackpiller this was before it was a trend and i had no idea what it was ... never doing that shit again

he is part of the reason im interested in looksmaxxing now tho
not in one rn
but in the past i was
brutal descension
all girls who actually talked to me were 1. just tryna be nice but end up distancing themselves 2. playing with me then ghosting 3. mentalcels who are insane but are too shy to hold a convo with me (there was a pretty mentalcel who had a crush on me, and she was very insane and had outbursts on everyone else but could not hold a solid convo with me, in the end i did not like her :nopers:) 4. the girl is not a girl but a gay guy :kissahomie:
conclusion: jova
idk tbh he had HUGE nct like his prey eyes literally slope downwards... maybe his parents were cousins... uneven facial thirds, short ramus, patchy facial hair, under eye bags, deviated septum, thin neck and lips, dodged a major bullet lol.

it was over for him before it started, even someone like me could mog easily so that's why im confused abt being rejected ????? i don't even want the guy anymore cause personality carried tbh.

found a better option but this one still needs to gymmaxx, it's a work in progress 😖
If a guy like is capable of saving ur bloodline I don't even want to think how u look like
My avg relationships have been a year to max of 4. With short term flings in-between. I prefer ltr for the quality of connections. I really don't think slaying is that good for the brain. I see it pushed as the penicle of masculinity in these psl sphere and yet even if you do managed to have sex with lots of women in a short period

It never really satisfies your mind or your heart. Heck idk if it even validates you. I always had the best time falling in love with someone like I am now 💕
like 8 months ago, he was insanely controlling, he wanted to change me completely and make me into basically a niqabi who doesnt work or leave the house, got mad at me for showing my neck, wearing makeup, BREATHING in front of men
i realized too late into it that he was this type of person because he was very good at hiding it and sugarcoating everything to make it sound like he was open minded and accepting, if you come across him you would think he was but he was in reality an andrew tate lover, literally admitted to trying to change me after the relationship ended. whenever i would try to leave or anything close to that happened, for example id speak to my CLASSMATE, he'd be like, "im NAUSEOUS, im gonna throw up" so i didnt have the heart to leave. i told him one day that we have different beliefs and its not gonna work out so HE suggested that we try to compromise, but later on he said that if he was trying to change me, i should have left? i didnt even KNOW that he was trying to change me, the f**k? he was so nice about it, and he was very loving and noticed every small little thing about me which was nice and i applaud him for that but it also got suffocating, this man tracked the direction i f*****g walked in and got jealous when i made a joke to his own goddamn friend, all hell broke loose and he dragged that shit to the ends of the earth. one time a 6'1 popular dude in our class asked me how my exam went, and my ex was there, he was being all nice to him but later on he sent me 10 messages in a row saying he wanted to beat him, shave his head, blah blah blah even tho my ex said he doesnt mind if guys talk to me about school. he basically said that i shouldnt talk to any other guy besides him out of what is necessary. and to give him credit he literally ignored girls who said HI to him, for me, but I DIDNT KNOW HE DID THAT? he didnt tell me, my friends mentioned it that he ignores them when he says hi, and later i found out it was because of me.
also we are both med students but im a year ahead of him, he told me he wants me to not work and get this- he said i should only treat female patients in the future. in what f*****g world is that possible? my god he was so insecure. theres way too much to get into, i admit that i was not as invested in the relationship as him, and that hurt his feelings, so it built up all inside him until one day he exploded and called me a gaslighter, abuser, and diagnosed me and my friend with narcissistic personality disorder LMFAOOOOOOOO so yea im the villain to him and im a terrible f*****g person in his mind because i wouldnt become a housewife for him (my dad did not drop thousands of dollars on med school tuition for me to sit at home and do nothing) and i didnt spend every waking second of my life texting him, i was just not obsessed like he was and that made him think i was a narcissist. i am his first love so maybe that contributed to his obsession. i was obsessed with my first love too. i also tolerated his face for his personality and this was his personality... i would probe him on his opinions to see if we would work out, turns out he was hiding that he basically admires some extreme groups im not gonna get too much into it but yea that was enough to make me stop dating i unironically want an arranged marriage now. before this i was in two other relationships but this was almost the worst :p
i just remembered he also blocked me on roblox :p
