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Discussion [ Reply to this thread and I will tell you what I think about you! ]

  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #5
Cool fella, impressive strength as well. Usually doesn’t have super in depth advice for others, but knows where the real looksmaxxing is at in leanmaxx
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  • #6
Lowkey just spawned in, cool guy though not much to disagree with. Open minded to new looksmaxxing concepts and lifestyle ideas as well πŸ‘
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #7
Cool fella, impressive strength as well. Usually doesn’t have super in depth advice for others, but knows where the real looksmaxxing is at in leanmaxx
To clarify @johnvee84 , I notice that you realize that one of the more important ways to improve your looks is to lose weight and that not much other stuff will do anything until you lose that weight
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  • #11
i already know how you feel you see me as a master since i dogwalk you
pretty cool guy, one of the few people that is on the forum as consistent as me. Mild mannered often, doesn’t lash at out other users, and has solid advice for other users
pretty cool guy, one of the few people that is on the forum as consistent as me. Mild mannered often, doesn’t lash at out other users, and has solid advice for other users
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  • #14
Cool guy, doesn’t use the forum as his primary forum but makes quality posts on here and .org. Usually interesting topics as well, although a bit more mysterious on your positions and beliefs than others
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  • #16
Tradition beliefs which I may not fully agree with, but you are well grounded in your beliefs which is highly respectable. Also pretty knowledgeable about looksmaxxing, and contributes a fair amount to the forum.
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  • #18
On the field, they call me Joe Burrow. But in the bed? In the bed, they call me Joe Burrowitdeepinher. πŸ§‘β€πŸ³
Cool dude who’s dedicated to leanmaxx and other looksmaxxes, good advice although a little unhinged at times. Mysterious at the same time as well
Cool dude who’s dedicated to leanmaxx and other looksmaxxes, good advice although a little unhinged at times. Mysterious at the same time as well
Unhinged and mysterious? Why. I’m already best looksmaxxer on this forum because I starvemaxxed and surgerymaxxed at 15 so 🀷 nah I’m just kidding but once I do get lean I’ll be satisfied with where I’ll be.
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  • #20
Unhinged and mysterious? Why. I’m already best looksmaxxer on this forum because I starvemaxxed and surgerymaxxed at 15 so 🀷 nah I’m just kidding but once I do get lean I’ll be satisfied with where I’ll be.
Unhinged because you either insult people like crazy or are nice to them. Mysterious because you use the same reacts every message so it’s hard to interpret your emotions
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  • #23
Idk a lot about you, but you seem knowledgeable and well spoken. Although you seem slightly like a femcel? Idk if that’s a good or bad thing though
Idk a lot about you, but you seem knowledgeable and well spoken. Although you seem slightly like a femcel? Idk if that’s a good or bad thing though
Wow, that actually means a lot. I like to do my research and gain knowledge from you guys on here! And yeah, I'm a femcel, so I will take that as a compliment...I
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  • #26
Cool user as well, although I haven’t interacted with you that much tbh. Also you watch Goatis and also believe in some of that, which I think is cool as well πŸ‘
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  • #28
Lowkey autistic and fanboys anthony111553, has some temper tantrums but overall a fun user to interact with. Also a unique typing style and unique responses to different things, so overall a good user πŸ‘
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  • #37
Who are you?
Forum Chad N9wiff, cool guy has the ability to either make the worst post you’ve ever seen or the best shit you’ve seen all month
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  • #39
Good poster, I remember you posting mainly when I had just joined the forum. Made some high quality threads and you usually make high quality suggestions. I don’t think I’ve ever blatantly disagreed with one of your posts
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  • #40
Dean, really chill owner also the upgrades you give the forum are often high quality and well thought out.
I remember you being a good mod in the time I consistently used .org, and you still are now, using both forums

interesting taste in hair colors , and also generally an interesting person that would be fun to talk to.
Female gymmaxxer, good advice to others and interesting takes on blackpill subjects
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  • #44
i posted this this
You seem bipolar to me tbh, you either are super sad or super happy, not really an in between. Best forum ratist though, and you keep members in check when it comes to rating
You seem bipolar to me tbh, you either are super sad or super happy, not really an in between. Best forum ratist though, and you keep members in check when it comes to rating
yes bro sad and happy thing is super true

could i have bipolar disorder
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  • #47
yes i know
its very severe and i am not gonna last even a decade
Relate. Kind of really corny to say this but you definitely shouldn't give up on life, you should just work on improving yourself in other aspects instead of worrying too much about appearance. If you let life do its course and become really invested in a certain hobby, you will notice a great difference in yourself and feel better.
Relate. Kind of really corny to say this but you definitely shouldn't give up on life, you should just work on improving yourself in other aspects instead of worrying too much about appearance. If you let life do its course and become really invested in a certain hobby, you will notice a great difference in yourself and feel better.
how i look isn't my biggest problem
my mind is fucked and i cant do anything

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