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  • #4
Not trying to discourage, but there will be no difference unless you're addicted to porn. Quitting porn for good is a better challenge
I’m already on no porn, I don’t really believe in all the crazy “benefits” of nofap but I’ve never done it for more than two weeks and I’m gonna try for a month

if anything it may slightly raise testosterone, provide mental clarity, and also the adolescent body perceives sex as a stressor and excessive wanking will make you end up shorter
I’m already on no porn, I don’t really believe in all the crazy “benefits” of nofap but I’ve never done it for more than two weeks and I’m gonna try for a month

if anything it may slightly raise testosterone, provide mental clarity, and also the adolescent body perceives sex as a stressor and excessive wanking will make you end up shorter
If your libido is already high, you will get too distracted on your routine when women are in sign. You wont become a pervert or anything, you simply become too focus due to the increase of sexual tension.

It ownt really help you focus when there are some attractive women in sign.

It could be stressefull because you will need to work harder on being reactive to the attraction.

So, no fapping is really going to decrease your mental ability.
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  • #10
If your libido is already high, you will get too distracted on your routine when women are in sign. You wont become a pervert or anything, you simply become too focus due to the increase of sexual tension.

It ownt really help you focus when there are some attractive women in sign.

It could be stressefull because you will need to work harder on being reactive to the attraction.

So, no fapping is really going to decrease your mental ability.
no, I’m not talking about mental clarity in a sexual sense, I mean it in the way of being able to focus more on my studies, being more locked in at the gym and at sports, and not having what some people call “brain fog”
Depends on person

I did no fap for one month and had no difference other than losing my ability to get hard.

Some people swear crazy benefits though
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #13
Depends on person

I did no fap for one month and had no difference other than losing my ability to get hard.

Some people swear crazy benefits though
yeah i’m 5 days in and it is easy, but also there has been no marked improvement in anything

I think i’ll just do the method of every 8-9 days (they say it raises testosterone?)
Not trying to discourage, but there will be no difference unless you're addicted to porn. Quitting porn for good is a better challenge
Imo NoFap makes it easier to socialmaxx
What do you even call this shit? A nut retention buddy?
yeah i’m 5 days in and it is easy, but also there has been no marked improvement in anything

I think i’ll just do the method of every 8-9 days (they say it raises testosterone?)
This is based on a study done in the 2000's with only a sample size of 26 men post puberty lmao, it is an extremely shitty study that took no other factors into account and no fappers commonly share that one like it's the holy grail.

It is however likely to have some effect on serum T levels but extremely marginal effects on Total T production, T to E ratio etc. This is based on a newer 2021 study that looked into various physiological systems rather than fust serum T and time period from last ejaculation.
It possibly has a use for modulating the natural spike and dip of testosterones levels
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  • #19
So are you suggesting that I do it or not? How can I put nofap to my advantage?
So are you suggesting that I do it or not? How can I put nofap to my advantage?
Makes marginal difference

Do it if you have :

A problem with porn
Addiction with masturbation
If you want to prevent desensitization

So I suggest not doing it at all or do it at a regular time interval like 8-12 days to keep endocrine stability whilst preventing addiction without extreme deviance from natural behavior.
  • Thread Starter Thread Starter
  • #21
Makes marginal difference

Do it if you have :

A problem with porn
Addiction with masturbation
If you want to prevent desensitization

So I suggest not doing it at all or do it at a regular time interval like 8-12 days to keep endocrine stability whilst preventing addiction without extreme deviance from natural behavior.
I’ll do it every 8 or 9 days to keep challenging myself

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