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Good man. This is the start of something greater, trust me. You’ll have your life back now, that’s what counts.
How tf you guys can't have a life outside of this forum ? They will rot on other social apps like insta, tiktok, reddit or doing something productive ?
this place is especially toxic man
It's not like it was .org, plus the blackpill is truth IRL, being banned of a forum will not solve that imo
Or maybe because i'm advanced in life, have a gf and new goals i'm more positive idk
Us next tbh
As soon as I get some real friends, I’m out of here. I’m only also here because I’m distancing myself from other forms of social media as I don’t want to be seen there for certain reasons (can’t disclose them but I didn’t anything wrong at least).
It's not like it was .org, plus the blackpill is truth IRL, being banned of a forum will not solve that imo
Or maybe because i'm advanced in life, have a gf and new goals i'm more positive idk
I definitely think it's cuz ur in a much better place in life than the regular bitter incel user like me
I definitely think it's cuz ur in a much better place in life than the regular bitter incel user like me
I think i'm in a better place because i worked hard on it, and got also rejected in the past but moved on positively on it
well you are 26 you've had more time to make those changes
You still need to take action soon enough, especially now with all the tools we have, because people can stay rotters until they're in their 30s, that what happened during covid
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