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Info Self reflection and self awareness is a gift and a curse.


I am too busy solving complex geometrical problems
Established ★
Oct 2, 2023
The Paragon
I have started my journey but have cut off most ties in my life and have embraced the loner lifestyle.

Loner lifestyle is unrelated for the most part.

Don't try to convince me to live otherwise, I am confident in what I am doing, I live my life they way I want just as you do. This thread is informational.

Self awareness can be a curse if you are too insecure, self reflection can fix self awareness. Self reflection happens only when you are concious of said problem, self awareness is always happening.

Worst part is that the more insecure you are about trait X, the more self aware you will be about trat X. But when you are extremely self aware about trait X, you can pin point and reflect easier.

Therefore constantly self-reflecting is the key.

DM for more info on this thought. Serious learners only.
I have started my journey but have cut off most ties in my life and have embraced the loner lifestyle.

Loner lifestyle is unrelated for the most part.

Don't try to convince me to live otherwise, I am confident in what I am doing, I live my life they way I want just as you do. This thread is informational.

Self awareness can be a curse if you are too insecure, self reflection can fix self awareness. Self reflection happens only when you are concious of said problem, self awareness is always happening.

Worst part is that the more insecure you are about trait X, the more self aware you will be about trat X. But when you are extremely self aware about trait X, you can pin point and reflect easier.

Therefore constantly self-reflecting is the key.

DM for more info on this thought. Serious learners only.
Disagree with loner lifestyle but ok brah
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  • #3
Disagree with loner lifestyle but ok brah
It's unrelated, not for you to agree or disagree on

but it is not independent to the info provided
Don’t show me the way, I will catch up.
Disagree with loner lifestyle but ok brah
Loner lifestyle isn’t the worst, it’s a lot better than having annoying/shittt friends. But having friendships with good people is obviously a million times better.
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  • #6
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  • #7
Loner lifestyle isn’t the worst, it’s a lot better than having annoying/shittt friends. But having friendships with good people is obviously a million times better.
Disagree with loner lifestyle but ok brah

It also doesn't necessarily mean I cut off everyone I know.

I still love my parents, my brother, I have one good friend that I can trust etc.

It's about cutting off meaningless parasitical relationships that exist merely as a social status.
Maxxing that general positive interactions, niiiiiiiice
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  • #15
The moment you realize how f****d up your situation is you die inside and sometimes outside
You can change your looks and life direction in most cases jfl at this cope

Unless you are born a subhuman truecel even then, so what? Just take the NEET pill or self indulgence pill.

Being aware > lying to yourself

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