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Self respect is important

I learned that lesson in the D.A.R.E. program when I was a kid. We had a theme song. Went like this.

"D, I won't do drugs! A, I won't have an attitude. R, I WILL RESPECT MYSELF! E, I will educate me now!!"

Grew up to be an fine self respecting man who never touched dr.......well, a fine self respecting man.
I learned that lesson in the D.A.R.E. program when I was a kid. We had a theme song. Went like this.

"D, I won't do drugs! A, I won't have an attitude. R, I WILL RESPECT MYSELF! E, I will educate me now!!"

Grew up to be an fine self respecting man who never touched dr.......well, a fine self respecting man.
I'm sorry but you have NO self respect
Cause I can teach you how to be a man.
You? Teach me how to be a man? Being as disgusting and as unprofessional as possible isn't being a man. Holding yourself to such a high degree yet you lack everything one needs to be a man is crazy, theres a reason why I will never respect of like you and that my friend is because you don't respect yourself. I'm 15 and I'm more of a man than you'll ever be
I've also been told that your a father, try worrying about you kid before being on forums like this. No disrespect to anyone with kids on this forum however you my friend are one of the worst fathers i've ever seen. If I was your son and I saw your behaviour on this forum I would be disgusted, you lack the core fundamentals to even be a man let alone a father, you can sit behind your screen and talk about how you can get any girl you want just by being yourself but the fact of the matter is you can't. I'm not getting emotional about these posts either I hold a great amount of respect for people in general however, there are people definetly not worthy of my respect and those people sir are people like you. Get your act together, your 36 and still acting like a child sitting here and objectifying women acting like your behaviour is a staple piece for how all men should act, 'Selfish, greedy men' are not what girls like and especially if you're a father you lack the basic qualities to even function as a proper human in todays society and acting like you can teach me how to act? Nice try especially coming from a guy who is too lazy to even get up to go to the bathroom so you pee in bottles? I've seen and heard about some degenerate actions but the fact that you behave like this and act like you can teach me how to be a man? I'll stick to learning that from my father who isn't a washed up loser like yourself. Good day
You? Teach me how to be a man? Being as disgusting and as unprofessional as possible isn't being a man. Holding yourself to such a high degree yet you lack everything one needs to be a man is crazy, theres a reason why I will never respect of like you and that my friend is because you don't respect yourself. I'm 15 and I'm more of a man than you'll ever be
Oh, that explains it. You're 15. I always assume I'm dealing with people in their 20's at least.

It's an obscure forum dude. I'm not really trying to be professional here. There's a time and a place for everything.
Oh, that explains it. You're 15. I always assume I'm dealing with people in their 20's at least.

It's an obscure forum dude. I'm not really trying to be professional here. There's a time and a place for everything.
Never said that you have to act professional on this forum, except from the clips that you've sent on here detailing your behavior I can assure you that while yes there is a time and place for everything, there is never a time nor place for your actions
I've also been told that your a father, try worrying about you kid before being on forums like this. No disrespect to anyone with kids on this forum however you my friend are one of the worst fathers i've ever seen. If I was your son and I saw your behaviour on this forum I would be disgusted, you lack the core fundamentals to even be a man let alone a father, you can sit behind your screen and talk about how you can get any girl you want just by being yourself but the fact of the matter is you can't. I'm not getting emotional about these posts either I hold a great amount of respect for people in general however, there are people definetly not worthy of my respect and those people sir are people like you. Get your act together, your 36 and still acting like a child sitting here and objectifying women acting like your behaviour is a staple piece for how all men should act, 'Selfish, greedy men' are not what girls like and especially if you're a father you lack the basic qualities to even function as a proper human in todays society and acting like you can teach me how to act? Nice try especially coming from a guy who is too lazy to even get up to go to the bathroom so you pee in bottles? I've seen and heard about some degenerate actions but the fact that you behave like this and act like you can teach me how to be a man? I'll stick to learning that from my father who isn't a washed up loser like yourself. Good day
Didn't say I could get any girl I want. Any type of girl. Not every girl can be had. Any type though, and I've had them all. High, low, rich, poor, old, young, hot, extremely hot, black, white and Asian. You name it.

You ought not be so quick to think you know about a person. You've only seen what very little I've chosen to reveal about myself here, and I'm just having a bit of fun.

As for my kid I take very good care of him and his mother. She's a full time stay at home mother. I refuse to have him going to daycare so I support the three of us by myself, working 3 days a week. I've got lots of time to spend with them doing family stuff as well as f*ck around on forums. Don't worry.
Why did you join this forum?
I've been on .org for years. When I was living in China I somehow found my way there and became addicted. In China everything's blocked, most English based websites, but interestingly enough .org wasn't. I was stuck in my wife's village for the last 8 months of living in that country after getting arrested for teaching illegally. See that @Harvey929, I taught kids for 7 years too.

Thankfully my boss was able to negotiate a bribe so I could avoid getting deported and finish out my contract at his school. After the contract was over I laid low in the village for the next 8 months while my wife's green card was being processed, because I didn't want to risk getting caught again and end up being separated from her. I had nothing to do and somehow found my way to .org. Recently hopped over here because I heard girls are allowed, which I find pretty interesting.

I identify with a lot of beliefs about society that people who frequent these forums hold. Though I don't believe looksmaxxing is the only answer. Definitely not the most pertinent answer.
Never said that you have to act professional on this forum, except from the clips that you've sent on here detailing your behavior I can assure you that while yes there is a time and place for everything, there is never a time nor place for your actions
Lighten up man. Girls don't like such rigid thinking. They say they do but they actually don't.

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