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selfish doctors are trying to ruin my life


Life ends at 18
Jun 11, 2024
The Paragon
Ive contacted 3 different doctors and all of them refuse to give me a growth plate analysis
im tempted to just use aromasin regardless but i dont want to waste my money

17.75 years old and 5'9.5
over :(

what should i do?
your doctor is cucked if he denies an xray, there is literally nothing wrong or dangerous about that
go to another doctor
check if you have grown at all in the past 6 months
if not then your plates are closed
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your doctor is cucked if he denies an xray, there is literally nothing wrong or dangerous about that
go to another doctor
check if you have grown at all in the past 6 months
if not then your plates are closed
I have grown in the past 6 months :D
fuck this im hopping on any chinese manufactured chemical i can get my hands on
what country?
if you are in usa it might not be over you can probably contact a doctor who will do it
Ive contacted 3 different doctors and all of them refuse to give me a growth plate analysis
im tempted to just use aromasin regardless but i dont want to waste my money

17.75 years old and 5'9.5
over :(

what should i do?
may be because you underage ask your parents to request it or wait until your 18
Ive contacted 3 different doctors and all of them refuse to give me a growth plate analysis
im tempted to just use aromasin regardless but i dont want to waste my money

17.75 years old and 5'9.5
over :(

what should i do?
4.1 tanner stage, growth plates close in less than a year. Man, just blast 10 IU HGH, Asin will keep it open for another half year added onto maybe 8 months so you can maybe expect 0.5-1 in just from that. Banded sleeping and vibration therapy can maybe add a couple more cm. Some hope and results left tbh. I'm at 4.6 and I've grown maybe a quarter of a cm in past few weeks.
i just bought the mk677 regardless
better safe than sorry tbh
Mk677 will not yield that great of results for height, maybe bones that still have open plates longer. + you'll get prediabetic blood glucoselevels. If you're running Mk677 risk it and run slin + berberine and 50-75 mg. Either that or peptide stack.
Mk677 will not yield that great of results for height, maybe bones that still have open plates longer. + you'll get prediabetic blood glucoselevels. If you're running Mk677 risk it and run slin + berberine and 50-75 mg. Either that or peptide stack.
50-75 mg can mimic maybe 4-7 iu of hgh.
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