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Senior Picture photoshoot

Is he cheek sucking in second photo or just clenching?
Definitely cheek sucking. There’s a pretty big difference in facial expressions from clenching and cheek sucking.
Gonna rope. How am I supposed to compete when there’s MFs like him running around?
you probably get more play than me
😂😂😂😂😂it’s always the Chads who be acting like incels. Bro you clearly slay any girl you want. You don’t know how it is to be one of us :( as for the rating, I’d say like Chadlite to young girls.
How can one cope. Its over.
Maybe personality transplant.
😂😂😂😂😂it’s always the Chads who be acting like incels. Bro you clearly slay any girl you want. You don’t know how it is to be one of us :( as for the rating, I’d say like Chadlite to young girls.

Maybe personality transplant.
I wonder if they just happen to unknowingly say the “just be confident bro” and “nah bro I don’t slay” shit. Or if they knowingly do it to tease us incels. I’ve never known and I don’t think I ever will.
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  • #15
I wonder if they just happen to unknowingly say the “just be confident bro” and “nah bro I don’t slay” shit. Or if they knowingly do it to tease us incels. I’ve never known and I don’t think I ever will.
well i dont slay but you’re right its probably mostly by choice
I wonder if they just happen to unknowingly say the “just be confident bro” and “nah bro I don’t slay” shit. Or if they knowingly do it to tease us incels. I’ve never known and I don’t think I ever will.
Unless one happens to tell you right now JFL. Sick of this bs.
Unless one happens to tell you right now JFL. Sick of this bs.
I have a good looking friend and he’s so fucking oblivious to the Godly treatment he gets. He acts like it’s normal and I’ve even telling him for years that it’s not, and that he gets that treatment because of his looks. Wanna guess what he still believes and tells me even after all these years? Your probably know the answer.
I have a good looking friend and he’s so fucking oblivious to the Godly treatment he gets. He acts like it’s normal and I’ve even telling him for years that it’s not, and that he gets that treatment because of his looks. Wanna guess what he still believes and tells me even after all these years? Your probably know the answer.
I bet you're not trying hard enough, or let me guess, its your confidence? Maybe its that haircut? Just smile bro!
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  • #22
You read my mind! Imagine how many girls he took from nerdy incels in HS thinking they had a chance with them.
I really get way less attention and way worse treatment than you might think, i’ve never had a gf and don’t really get girls tbh. And I am the nerd i got a 4.5 gpa it’s lowkey all the mfs that drink and party taking the girls from me
I really get way less attention and way worse treatment than you might think, i’ve never had a gf and don’t really get girls tbh. And I am the nerd i got a 4.5 gpa it’s lowkey all the mfs that drink and party taking the girls from me
you wouldn’t want the girls who gravitate towards those kinds of guys anyway
I have a good looking friend and he’s so fucking oblivious to the Godly treatment he gets. He acts like it’s normal and I’ve even telling him for years that it’s not, and that he gets that treatment because of his looks. Wanna guess what he still believes and tells me even after all these years? Your probably know the answer.
I've also got a good looking friend who gets godly treatment. Been with countless girls (Literally by the way, he has a hard time remembering them all), and he gives me the cope bs all the time. He says I'm "good looking"," not confident", and the usual cope. He says things like "we're on similar levels of attractiveness bro", "you're a solid 7/10 bro". Clearly not.
The actual slayers simply cannot resonate with lower tier guys.
I've also got a good looking friend who gets godly treatment. Been with countless girls (Literally by the way, he has a hard time remembering them all), and he gives me the cope bs all the time. He says I'm "good looking"," not confident", and the usual cope. He says things like "we're on similar levels of attractiveness bro", "you're a solid 7/10 bro". Clearly not.
lol i have a friend like that too but female version. she gets so many guys all the time and she sees it as normal, i literally get so envious of it. one time i finally just told her that i was jealous of the fact she always gets that meanwhile im ignored and she said guys think im ‘intimidating.’ fucking cope bruh, i hate it.
lol i have a friend like that too but female version. she gets so many guys all the time and she sees it as normal, i literally get so envious of it. one time i finally just told her that i was jealous of the fact she always gets that meanwhile im ignored and she said guys think im ‘intimidating.’ fucking cope bruh, i hate it.
I cannot vindicate this without knowing what you look like. But I am actually intimidating and scary to girls. I'm just sick of the cope that attractive people spew, and the false hope they attempt to sell.
I cannot vindicate this without knowing what you look like. But I am actually intimidating and scary to girls. I'm just sick of the cope that attractive people spew, and the false hope they attempt to sell.
people just pity others and lie right to their faces
Football's the devel. You're such a nice boy. What do you want to play football for? All them big galoots man handling each other.
Stop being weird bro, you’re scaring off the newer users.
She’s right. You can definitely find yourself a loyal type of girl though so you’ll be fine. You already know what type of girls are in that whore archetype n shit, just avoid them at all costs.
I've also got a good looking friend who gets godly treatment. Been with countless girls (Literally by the way, he has a hard time remembering them all), and he gives me the cope bs all the time. He says I'm "good looking"," not confident", and the usual cope. He says things like "we're on similar levels of attractiveness bro", "you're a solid 7/10 bro". Clearly not.
He does the same to me. Oblivious ass MF.
I really get way less attention and way worse treatment than you might think, i’ve never had a gf and don’t really get girls tbh. And I am the nerd i got a 4.5 gpa it’s lowkey all the mfs that drink and party taking the girls from me
Honestly accurate it’s the super NT social fellas that usually do well
Honestly accurate it’s the super NT social fellas that usually do well
Those people will get nowhere in life though unironically. I have a hard time seeing how people with underdeveloped prefrontal cortexes can become successful.
Anyone cheats.. not just specific niches
people show clues as to the type of people they are, for example the girl gravitates towards guys who drink and party.. what about that screams loyal and husband material to her? it doesn’t😭 she doesn’t care because she isn’t either
Wym nowhere in life?
They’ll be a slave to the matrix. Work a 9-5 job in a little cubicle the size of @chadronelite testicles until they turn 60 and finally retire, only for their grand children to hate them and for them to end up dying 5 years later. Then they find out on their death bed that their wife cheated on them hundreds of times.
They’ll be a slave to the matrix. Work a 9-5 job in a little cubicle the size of @chadronelite testicles until they turn 60 and finally retire, only for their grand children to hate them and for them to end up dying 5 years later. Then they find out on their death bed that their wife cheated on them hundreds of times.
The unfortunate life of many.
They’ll be a slave to the matrix. Work a 9-5 job in a little cubicle the size of @chadronelite testicles until they turn 60 and finally retire, only for their grand children to hate them and for them to end up dying 5 years later. Then they find out on their death bed that their wife cheated on them hundreds of times.
That’s why I am going to buy a rural property when I save up enough money. Just live off handiwork and small jobs or CAD (I might go to college for that first though), and have a homestead or whatever they call that
That’s why I am going to buy a rural property when I save up enough money. Just live off handiwork and small jobs or CAD (I might go to college for that first though), and have a homestead or whatever they call that
Bro thinks he’s living in a movie.
That’s why I am going to buy a rural property when I save up enough money. Just live off handiwork and small jobs or CAD (I might go to college for that first though), and have a homestead or whatever they call that
To save money imma not drink coffee, metromaxx, and eat a natural diet. I will feel satiated on lower price/cal of food
It’s designed in such a way that makes it incredibly hard to escape.
True… most of it legit just comes down to connections and inheritance. Sadly.

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